The annual general meeting took place on Wednesday 20th February, 2013. At this meeting the six Domino teams registered with the association had representatives present which enabled elections to take place as planned. Five members of the past association were elected to serve for another two year term, along with a new Assistant Treasurer coming on board for the first time. This will also be the third consecutive year that the President, Treasurer and Secretary were re-elected, providing them the opportunity to serve for a total of six years in their capacity. The elected association is as follows:
President Joey Gumbs
Vice President Caryl Connor
Treasurer Courtney Morton
Assistant Treasurer Avril Hodge
Secretary Dianne Williams
P.R.O Dougal Hodge
Congratulations to the new executive.
The annual business league is scheduled to begin on 1st March, 2013. Teams interested in participating are asked to register with any member of the volleyball association.
Table Tennis:-
All interested persons are reminded that practice sessions will takeplace at the J.R.W.P recreation room on Wednesday from 4:30pm and on Saturdays from 2:00pm and at Campus B on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm.