When all the dust has settled from the Summer Festival activities, I think I must take my hat off to the thoughtful songwriting and singing talents of Tyrique Gumbs who goes by the calypso name Super Mario. He had performed in the Junior Calypso Competitions for many years, and now he has stepped up to the status of Senior. And though he did not compete in the show this year, the song which he recently dropped is, to me, most noteworthy.
Amidst all the social criticism, political rancor, and demeaning accusations that have been launched at this Anguilla Progressive Movement (APM) administration, Super Mario had found a wealth of virtue in the performance of the current government, and he has attributed to it a collage of wonderful compliments in his 2023 calypso, “Promises Made, Promises Kept”.
As far as calypsos go, I love the art form as long as the lyrics are clean and conscious, so long as the content of the song is free of immoral, sensual connotations, and as long as the message is relevant to our times. Thus, when it comes to Super Mario’s hit, I must say that I was impressed and intrigued with his delivery, ever since I first heard it released a few weeks ago. His depiction of the number of promises made and kept by Premier Webster’s administration is thought provoking.
Indeed, the “Five Boats, Five Votes” Ellis Webster campaign of 2020, under the mantra of “Change Can’t Wait”, rallied hard against the imposition of the notorious GST. However, looking back in retrospect, it would do us well to understand and appreciate that, faced with the circumstances of the day, Premier Webster at the helm had no other feasible option at the time than to “go back on his word” and “give in” to the bureaucratic pressures”.
And it was no secret or any conspiracy. The Premier had publicly explained it. It was as if Anguilla’s neck was being squeezed in a grip-hold of British diplomacy. One might have justifiably asked: “how could the Government impose GST in the face of a debilitating pandemic?” But it was not altogether the Government. If we were to receive any benefits of UK COVID-19 Relief, then we were required to make the sacrifice of accepting GST and all its repercussions. It was all brought on by the demands of the then UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, now the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and there was no way of circumventing it.
For all intents and purposes, all of us who are in leadership positions, at some time or another would find it necessary to rescind our initial resolution and reverse our former stand, making a calculated decision for the greater good of the unit which we represent, whether it be a family, or enterprise, a school, church or any such organisation.
And while I compliment Super Mario for a song well composed and sung, I wish to express the way I feel when I chance to listen to disparaging comments on radio – and in the wider community – which are designed to degrade and belittle the performance of the APM administration. After all, hasn’t the government “delivered” many of the benefits which we see around us and enjoy today?
On account of GST, some people go to the extent to denounce the government’s efforts for development. Why should we take such blessings for granted, though? Some of these benefits were only the brainchild or plans of former administrations who were not blessed with the impetus or prospectus to deliver.
As Anguillians, we must take a good look back and see from whence we have come. We must inspect the promises that were made, kept and delivered.
It makes absolutely no sense to decry the efforts of a government who has the best interest of its populace at heart. Indeed, there is more good that should unite us than the evil roots of bitterness and criticism that serve to divide us. We should be grateful as a people who were actually hewn from a hard and dry rock of our relatively recent impoverished past.
Today, we enjoy numerous blessings and amenities which our forebears would be astounded to experience. So, why shouldn’t we be grateful enough to rally behind the work and efforts of our ambitious administration instead of looking for every opportunity to detect its faults and criticize its flaws?
We must come face to face with the truth. And this is that this administration is indeed an ambitious one. Even the blind can see that this government has accomplished much to contribute to our sustainability over coming years. That is the truth.
Super Mario referred to a scripture verse in John 8:32 which says, “the truth shall set you free”. He noted that relative to the performance of this government, this verse has made a believer out of him.
May we all consider our ways and come to believe that truly, by the help of God, and with the tenacity and resolve of this administration, the prospects of our future can remain secure as long as our government continues to deliver for the wellbeing of its people in the fear of God.
So, may God bless this government and may God bless Anguilla.