At some point in our lives most of us will fall ill. Though some conditions may not be avoided, we do have a greater level of control, keeping our bodies and ourselves healthy. A large number of cancer-related deaths are a direct result of our lifestyle choices e.g. to smoke or not to smoke, to misuse or abuse alcohol, not taking proper exercise and high fat, sugary diets. Avoiding certain vices and getting regular exercise make for an excellent starting point for cancer prevention. A healthy diet will support all your efforts in reducing your risk for cancer.
What we consume & in many cases, don’t consume, significantly impacts upon our health and it includes lowering the risk for cancer. We consume a lot of foods that promote the development of degenerative disease conditions, including cancer and others. We are also most likely ignoring the foods that can inhibit and prevent the development of cancer. We can change our diets and lifestyle choices/behaviours, which will greatly reduce the risk for many disease conditions – and even stop cancer in its tracks. Here are some recommendations:
? Consume a wide variety of foods such as fruits and vegetables, and aim to consume at least one pound of fresh produce daily.
? Our drinking water should be as pure, clean and as fresh as possible.
? Sixty to seventy percent of the foods we consume daily should be raw.
? Seeds, nuts, legumes & other whole grains should be sprouted before consuming. Sprouting these foods provide a better yield of their energy & essential nutrients.
? We should also consume more fermented foods such as plain unsweetened yoghurts, sauerkraut, tofu and kefir.
? We should also be consuming lots of garlic for their cancer fighting properties.
? Increasing our intake of fresh fruit/vegetables juices also provide other cancer fighting benefits.
Proper nutrition improves the quality of life, so here are some foods to consume more of:
? Whole foods i.e. unrefined/unprocessed foods.
? All whole grains: breads, cereals & pasta made from the whole foods.
? Organically grown fresh fruits, salads & vegetables not grown with chemical fertilizers.
? Raw unsalted nuts, seeds & their unrefined oils such as extra virgin olive, flax/linseed and coconut oils.
? Beans, lentils. Peas could also be sprouted, again – they provide a better yield of their energy & essential nutrients.
? Eat lots of fresh raw garlic.
? Fatty fishes such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and other deep sea cold water fishes for their omega 3 fats.
Cancer-causing substances in food include: nitrates/nitrites in meats, which give the meat that bright red fresh look; refined/processed foods with all of their additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and colouring.
Cancer-causing substances form during the cooking process, also during the processing and/or preserving foods e.g. meats and when the food begins to spoil. Here are some examples of foods that contain cancer causing substances:
? Cured, dried or preserved meats such as bacon & sausages.
? Burned or charred meats.
? Smoked and moldy foods.
Here are 5 of the worst foods to grill that harbour cancer-causing substances:
? Skinless, boneless, grilled or well done chicken breasts.
? Steak grilled or well done.
? Barbecued pork.
? Grilled salmon in the skin.
? Grilled or well done hamburgers.
Here are some other recommendations for reducing or eliminating cancer-causing substances in food:
? Avoid exposing cooking oils to high heating temperatures. No oil is safe to fry with or be heated. Heat destroys the essential nutrients in the oils.
? Don’t overcook barbecue meats, and
? Choose fresh meats instead of cured, dried, preserved or smoked meats.
To contact Dr. Stan Horne: