This installment follows last week’s on the risk for heart disease, and/or stroke. In this segment we will focus on Sugar Metabolic Syndrome’s effect on the pancreas & gall blabber. There are two ways consuming too much refined sugar damages the pancreas.
They are:
? When this kind of sugar is consumed, it’s done quickly usually in just minutes which overwhelms the pancreas.
? The pancreas then has to deal with massive concentrations of sugar in the blood. Not only does this stress the entire digestive system – it traumatises the pancreas.
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the main symptoms of the Sugar Metabolic Syndrome. Diabetes Mellitus is caused by not having enough fibre in the diet coupled with the consumption of too much refined carbohydrates. The best treatments are a sugar free diet and, even better still, a junk-food free diet.
The main disease condition of the gallbladder are gallstones associated with the Sugar Metabolic Syndrome. The main ingredient of gallstones stones is supersaturate cholesterol crystals. There is excess crystallized cholesterol with more dissolved crystals, with calcium deposits. Gallstones are formed primarily from supersaturated bile and an accumulation of very small cholesterol crystals.
In the not to distant past gallstones were a rare occurrence. Reports from as far back as between 1923 & 1955 more than 4000 autopsies were reviewed in Ghana. In all the autopsies performed not a single case of gallstones was found. Canadian study of the indigenous people, the Inuit people, showed that these people rarely came down with gallstones. However, today operations for gallstones outnumber all other operations in the Canadian Inuit populations. When gallstones present it’s usually the obese wealthy person consuming a very Western diet. Stones are quite common in Western countries where the population consumes a modern diet. Gallstones are also quite common among poorer, younger populations.
Here are some factors that contribute to the formation of gallstones:
? The first is a decline in bile production. A diet high in refined carbohydrates reduces the production of bile by the liver.
? The production of cholesterol increases &
? The main cause of excess cholesterol is the over-consumption of refined sugar, especially sucrose/table sugar, the worse of the culprits, and not enough fibre in the diet.
Gallstones are clearly symptoms of the Sugar Metabolic Syndrome. These can be prevented by adopting a junk-food free diet. They can also be treated in one of two ways after they developed:
? This can be done by dissolving the cholesterol crystals or
? Treatment can be done through surgery.
Increasing fibre in the diet will reduce cholesterol levels. To prevent recurrence, we must adopt a whole foods diet, one that’s rich or high in fibre, and making a deliberate effort to maintain a diet free of refined sugar.
Just a word on obesity which is associated with a variety of symptoms, directly related to the extra fat/weight as well as other symptoms, not necessarily from the obesity itself but from the diet that caused it in the first place. A whole food diet i.e. one that has live, energy producing, non-toxic, indigenous foods, together with exercise taken regularly, the individual will begin to feel better even before he or she begins to see appreciable weight loss.
Obesity is associated with over-consumption of refined sugar & reduced sugar tolerance. Obese people do not have proper/normal sugar tolerance. Many people are also diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes, who also don’t really need the insulin they are prescribed. In most cases, reducing the weight to a normal range will eliminate this type of diabetes. A diagnosis of diabetes is best left for the people who need insulin. These people are usually hypoglycaemic meaning their blood sugar levels are lower than normal. These people are also experience hyperinsulinemia, which is reduced sensitivity to insulin. This condition is often asymptomatic. However, when symptoms do appear there is shakiness, weakness, seizures or coma.
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