Can you imagine that The Anguillian newspaper is now 24 years old? As you may have observed, in our masthead, the numbering system has changed from what should now have been: Vol. 23 No. 44 to Vol. 24 No. 1. This reflects the age of your national community newspaper.
The reality is that there are family homes in Anguilla where, during the past 23/24 years, there are not only children, but grandchildren as well. Check it out – how time has passed so quickly! It is amazing.
Thanks to all of our readers/subscribers and advertisers who have so faithfully supported us over those many years. That is why we are still alive and serving you today. We are also grateful to our current printers, The Daily Herald, of St. Maarten, for their kindness and cooperation; and our original printers, Max Printing of Anguilla.
Thanks, too, to everyone for now paying our new price of US$2.00 or EC$5.00, thus helping us to meet increased cost of operations in these very difficult financial times. This, too, will help us to stay alive and to serve you.