The Anguillian newspaper has unfortunately become a victim of the severe financial and economic situation affecting the island and its people. The cost of everything has skyrocketed and is skyrocketing. Your national newspaper simply cannot continue to exist in these times when the cost of goods and services has reached such an alarming proportion.
Over its 23 years of existence, The Anguillian has made every sacrifice to remain viable to serve its readers and advertisers without increasing its cover price, now at EC$3.00 or US $1.25. We were somehow able to absorb the cost of production and operation despite rising prices. We cannot continue to do so any longer. The international suppliers of newsprint at the paper mills have announced two price increases. The first was with effect from September 1, 2021. The second will be on January 1, 2022.
We are grateful to all our readers, across Anguilla, and in various parts of the world, for supporting us over all these years – since December 4, 1998. Please support us at this time of financial and economic crisis – when a tiny chocolate bar almost doubles the price of your only informative and educational national newspaper!
Please buy The Anguillian at its various outlets for the new price of EC$5.00 or US$2.00, effective December 1, 2021. We have agonised over this decision for a long time, and must now act to stay alive.
Many thanks, to all of you, for your kind understanding and support. We can quickly fold up if you don’t help us!
Nat Hodge,
Publisher/ Editor-in-Chief