Since the early 1900s approximately 80,000 plus chemicals have been unleashed into our environment. Mobile phones heat up while we carry on a conversation. Hence, the case for more frequent use of head phones. There are also the Genetically Modified Food products on many of our store shelves.
Should we be paying closer attention?
Should we be looking to clean up our bodies and reduce the amount of toxic substances we put into them?
Is there a spiritual significance?
Shouldn’t we be taking better care of our God-given Temples/bodies?
We take better care of our material possessions than we do of our own God-given bodies.
Hormone disruptors such as lead acetate, formaldehyde and galaxolide are very harmful chemicals. These toxic chemicals are everywhere in our food, water, homes and environment, wreaking havoc on our health, disrupting the natural functioning of our hormones and enzymes required for basic healthy living.
Do you sometimes feel achy, a bit out of sorts or malaise? Ever wonder why you are having such bad menstrual periods or menopausal symptoms? These dangerous carcinogenic hormone disrupting chemicals in our food, water, environment and many common household products are making us sick with many non-communicable chronic degenerative disease conditions, including various cancers.
These hormone disrupting chemicals, interfere with hormone and enzyme function, significantly increasing our risks for many health problems.
These dangerous carcinogenic hormone disrupting chemicals can be avoided by shopping smarter for products that don’t contain these
carcinogenic hormone disrupting chemicals. These chemicals break down slowly in the environment and in this way they are potentially hazardous. They impact every aspect of our health, they are in our:
Plastic bottles and other plastic containers
The Liners of metal food cans
Detergents, flame retardants
Toys and cosmetics
In 2010, the President’s Cancer Report recognised these hormone disrupting chemicals as the source of more cases of cancer than once realised. They interfere with the processing of and the transportation of essential nutrients, enzymes and other substances critical to health and the basic functioning of our bodies. They disrupt fertility, and conception and cause invisible disability/disease conditions.
Galaxolide, has a musky scent, that’s used in high concentration, in perfumes, colognes, fabric softeners and detergents as well as some other fragrances. This hormone disrupting chemical has been identified in the fat, blood and breast milk of women who used perfumes. It is also highly toxic to aquatic life.
Lead acetate another of these dangerous hormone disruptors, is used in hair dyes. Lead acetate increases our risk for developing Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer and increases the risk for bladder cancer in people who use these products e.g. barbers and hairdressers. The darker the dye the more harmful.
Formaldehyde is a classified human carcinogen and short-term exposure to formaldehyde can be fatal. Long-term exposure to low levels cause respiratory problems and eczema. Weaves and hair extensions, require an acetone/formaldehyde-based remover. Acetone on the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream and wreaks havoc on the central nervous system. Hair pomades and conditioners have in them placental extracts, linked to breast developments in toddlers. Approximately 97% of hair straighteners are made from petrochemicals.
Over exposure to formaldehyde cause dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and headaches. Were your last episode of illnesses e.g. dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and headaches a result of the affect of any product that contained formaldehyde?
Invisible disability disease conditions and give no real glaring symptoms. These conditions also depend on the individual’s level of sensitivity. They include such conditions as Celiac disease i.e. gluten intolerance, hypoglycemia and aluminum plaque deposits in the brain.
In 2007 a National Cancer Institute study showed CT scans may have contributed to some 29,000 new cases of cancer and almost 15,000 cancer deaths. Later in 2009, another study showed Computed Tomography/CT scans delivered up to four times more radiation than once believed. CT scans tend to see a cancer as being “everywhere.” The recommendation will then be full-body Chemotherapy. One expert declared that a woman having yearly mammograms from about her late 30’s is bound to get breast disease. A woman in her 30’s getting a mammogram, over the next 10-20 years of exposure does harm to the body.
MRIs are less invasive and are significantly better at detecting breast cancer and its spread. MRIs see around breast implants and into the more dense breast tissue. There is no radiation exposure and it’s more accurate than mammograms. In 969 high risk women, approximately 121 men tested positive for lumps, after being tested negative on mammograms.
Thermograms are non-invasive and radiation-free. Thermograms detect breast cancer up to 10 years earlier than mammograms. In at least five studies of over 300,000 women, thermograms were shown to be effective in detecting breast cancer in its early stages.
We do have some control and the right to demand better care in the interest of our health. Here is what we can do:
Drink lots of water throughout the day to flush toxins from the body to protect your bloodstream.
If you must, dye your hair when it’s dirty. Shampooing the hair first opens the pores on the scalp and can irritate the scalp.
Do a skin test 3-5 days before shampooing. Apply a clean blotting sheet to different areas on the face, remove it and hold the sheet up against the light and observe the amount of oil absorbed on the sheet. This will give an indication of how oily your skin is.
There are Non-toxic perms you can source online.
Swap synthetic, artificial man-made chemical perfumes for natural fragrances e.g. 100% natural essential oils or 85% organic fragrances made from cold pressed essential oils.
Groom your own natural nails. Nail treatments are among the most toxic products you can put on your skin. Some of these products contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
Make your own natural cosmetics from vegan recipes for your lipsticks.
Get rid of the toxic tampons. There are lots of non-toxic feminine care products, free of bleaches, pesticides and other toxic materials. There are many organic unbleached tampons and pads on the market.
Read labels to check for suspicious ingredients and browse the following websites for more information.
www.skindeep;www.oceanalive & www.natracare.