Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a church-featured event which many churches on the island conduct annually. It is normally held during the month of August as an activity for children – being out of school – to engage in biblical lessons as part of their vacation experience.
At the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mount Fortune, during the period July 12th to 24th a programme of VBS activities was successfully held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. On the opening day, some 36 children enrolled, but registration had increased to 53 by the second week.
Spearheading the programme was Children’s Ministry Leader, Ms. Marcia Hodge. She spoke to The Anguillan at the end of the exercise and gave a synopsis of what the two weeks of activities entailed: “The VBS theme was ‘Wilderness Escape’, depicting the dramatic journey of the Israelites through the wilderness into the Promised Land. The children were divided into five groups which represented five of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribes represented were the tribes of Joseph, Simeon, Benjamin, Issachar, and Zebulun.
“The main highlight for the children was the crossing over of the Red Sea on dry land. Each day the children were taught the principles of God’s deliverance, guidance and protection.”
“This was the first VBS held at the Mount Fortune Church, after many years, but we have hosted such sessions with much success in the past,” Ms. Hodge said. She reported that VBS was a delightful success hosting children from all across the island.
Among the many other ladies of the church who assisted Ms. Hodge was Ms. Janet Lake who was the Fun and Games Director. She along with her team, did an excellent job of moderating the closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon, July 25th. She spoke to The Anguillian with regard to her efforts:
“It was my pleasure to serve as the Fun and Games Director for the past two weeks. VBS was a thrilling experience as both children and adults were able to engage in bible activities which taught about the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness.”
“It was my pleasure to teach the children several biblical games such as Cone Heads, Catch the Quail and Croc Tag,” she said. “These along with other games gave us historical insight into the Israelite’s life in the wilderness – while showcasing how good God was to His people.”
She said finally: “I was deeply humbled at being asked to host the closing ceremony, but indeed I was grateful for the honour to serve. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
During the closing ceremony, the children were able to display their talents in song, and Bible verses they learned, as well as by the many pieces of creative art which they were able to complete over the past two weeks.
The church’s leader, Pastor Howard Simon, said: “Over the past two weeks, these children have gained from experiences which they will remember for the rest of their lives. I want to say thanks to all the leaders and teachers and all those who contributed to the success of these two weeks of VBS. The children need this every year. I saw some of their handy work, and I know they must be very proud of all that their hands have made.”
He continued: “I want to say thanks to the parents for sending their children out each day. Keep on sending them to the House of the Lord and we will do our part to bless them here on earth and to prepare them for Heaven.”
Then he made mention of one particular creative feature of the VBS, namely the crossing of the Red Sea. “I passed through the Red Sea, like so many others,” he boasted. “I got a few sprinkles too. I want you to know that in life you will go through your own Red Sea experiences… But God is able to part your difficulties and enable you to walk over on dry land.”