Monday, 5th April 2021 — A question that keeps popping into my mind, and which I find myself reflecting on this Easter Monday morning, focusses on the human condition. Why do we experience so much pain and suffering in our lives?
Yesua (Jesus the Christ) certainly did. Jesus suffered extraordinarily for humanity to be saved. Christ offers us spiritual salvation. Yet we seem incapable of saving ourselves from our own humanness that creates travails which we continually hold onto.
If we focussed less attention on humanoid conditions, and more on tending to our spiritual selves, then we might uplift ourselves out of these doldrums. The Soul needs good care in order to maintain a balanced life. Tending to our souls needs to be a top priority for our everyday practices. Building a stronger personal relationship with Jah is of utmost importance.
I wonder if God ponders the state of human affairs and the reason we haven’t learnt life lessons the Creator teaches us. As I contemplate humanity’s conditions, I reflect on my observations of myself and others. I recall an expression my dad used to say to me, “It’s all in the mind.” And that is literally true.
Our minds – or in other words, the mind’s egos – dwell on negative thoughts and emotions. Sometimes surfacing at the most inopportune times. We’re not usually taught wholesome techniques on how to release painful or hurtful memories and negative thinking. Instead, we indulge ourselves in these downward spiralling habits.
It’s not easy to keep ourselves uplifted when we’re going through life’s distressing experiences. Nowadays, we are all caught up in a worldwide shift or “plan-demic” – a phrase I recently heard, which means God has a plan to transform our human lives. We are trying to navigate these new directions that we’re presently faced with.
How do we cope and develop coping skills or mechanisms? What do we do to relieve ourselves of burdens weighing on our minds? There are no quick fixes nor simple answers to these life challenging questions. Each of us has to determine what works best for ourself to keep us holding on and moving forward whenever that’s possible.
When we are stressed and feeling under pressure, we do not always make the best decisions for ourselves nor for others whom we care for. Many people, families and communities are experiencing tremendous financial constraints. So much so that we cannot always see the daylight at the end of a dark tunnel.
Everyone’s going through life situations that impact each person in diverse ways. Some are able to rise and evolve. Others are unable to overcome adversities.
We may hinder ourselves by the human tendency of recollecting past painful, suffering, traumatic experiences and dwelling on whatever caused us to feel heartache. Thus, thwarting our complete healing and wholeness of mind, body and soul. This is the human condition.
As humans, we can’t do it all on our own. We need the aid of The Most-High and others to help lift us out of dire straits. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for assistance whenever it’s needed. Getting help from persons who are trained and certified to assist us in the areas where aid is indispensable is a part of our self-care programmes.
Furthermore, we must voice and take compelling actions to address human conditions that cause grave harm to everyone’s wellbeing. Such as, the overwhelming number of children, youths and adults who experience(d) traumas from incest, rape, genital mutilation, human trafficking and war – along with emotional, financial and mental manipulation.
We cannot afford to remain silent on such matters if we are to advance as a race of soul-conscious humans. To keep quiet causes further traumatisation for those whom these wrongdoings were perpetrated against.
Last, but not least, we must bring forth an adjusted balance of the world’s global wealth. Every person has the human rights of access to equal opportunities, shared resources, fair justice and reasonable taxation. If we are able to generate this kind of worldwide revolution, for humanity’s sake, then we will be able to improve living conditions for one and all.
May God help us as societies of humans to ease the pain and suffering we witness people experiencing every day in communities across the globe. Moreover, may we work conscientiously to heal ourselves, our families and our nations.
Kay M Ferguson is a contributing columnist who uses the nom de plume, The Empress Extraordinaire. Her words encourage us to explore who we are, evolve as human-beings and transform our world. Link with Kay at