Saturday, November 14, 2020, was a welcome back ceremony for over 200 employees at CuisinArt Golf Resort and Spa who filled the large Ball Room to capacity.
The much-relieved staff members returned to their jobs after nine months at home, due to the closure of the property as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. They were welcomed by the Managing Director, Mr. Stephane Zaharia, who methodically advised them about the new safety regulations, and security measures, to be observed by both themselves and the property’s guests.
“Now that the island is slowly starting to open, I would say when you are among people to have a mask close to you and to put it on,” he advised them – in addition to observing social distancing and the general standards of hygiene including washing hands and changing of uniforms.
He noted that the resort had qualified itself to be in the moving bubble arrangement governing the restrictions for visitors’ travel on the property – and to other places within the bubble.
“We have security and we are in the bubble,” he told the employees from the resort’s varied departments. “We have signs everywhere saying we are in the bubble.”
During his very careful delivery, at various periods, Mr. Zaharia invited questions and comments from the employees and gave satisfactory answers.
Speaking about their resumption of work, the Managing Director told the employees: “We are not forcing you to come to work. It is a choice. You can stay home. We are not going to terminate your position. We are going to protect your position as much as we can. If you want to take off a couple of extra months, and that’s your feeling, I understand that. It is okay and then when you are ready to come back, you will have your position. I just want to make certain that everyone understands that. Nobody is forced to come to work. If you are not comfortable with it, nobody is going to be upset with you. It is totally understandable. When you want to come back, take up the phone and call HR and we will be welcoming you back with open arms at a distance of six feet away…Some people have certain pre-existing conditions; some have personal issues. We will work around it and make it as comfortable as possible for everyone.”
There was an atmosphere of congeniality, goodwill and a spirit of cooperation among all and sundry at the meeting, lending much respect and camaraderie in the stately Ball Room.