Anguilla’s Director of Social Security, Mr. Timothy Hodge, has been appointed as a Vice-Chairperson of the Technical Commission on Organization, Management and Innovation of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. As a Vice Chairman, Mr. Hodge will have an important role in assisting the Chairperson, Mr. Mohammed Azman bin Aziz Mohammed, Chief Executive Officer and Director General of the Malaysia Social Security Organization, to plan and guide the activities of the Technical Commission by ensuring its focus on priority issues and by contributing to the ISSA overall work programme and objectives. He is also expected to provide technical inputs and practical support to the Technical Commission’s projects.
The International Social Security Association (ISSA) is the world’s leading international organization for social security institutions and serves a global membership of more than 320 social security institutions and government departments. It promotes excellence in social security through offering its members professional guidelines and capacity building, proposing innovative solutions to address key social security challenges, and sharing best practices. In addition to the Technical Commission on Organization, Management and Innovation, the ISSA has a number of other Commissions, which deal with various social security issues including: Benefits; Investments; ICT; Contributions and Compliance; Statistical, Actuarial and Finance; and Medical Care. All the Commissions receive support, including planning and coordination of their work plans with other ISSA activities, from the General Secretariat.
– Press Release