Island Scholar, First Nominated Member and Deputy Speaker in the Anguilla House of Assembly, Jose’ Vanterpool, says his entry into the political arena is a moment he had been waiting for a very long time ago.
Twenty-four year-old Vanterpool, the youngest candidate in the 2020 election race, was at the time speaking at the November 16 launch of the Anguilla United Front’s candidates for the district and at large elections.
Stressing his youthfulness, he told his listeners: “Tonight is the night that I, 24-year-old Jose’ Vanterpool, announce that I have officially put my hat in the ring – and offer myself as a candidate to contest the 2020 general election as an at large candidate with the Anguilla United Front.
“While many persons here know me very well, I understand that many persons listening via the media do not. So first and foremost, who is Jose’ Vanterpool? Let me tell you about myself. First of all, I am a proud Anguillian born and raised in the community of Welches. I was Valedictorian of the Morris Vanterpool Primary School’s Graduating Class in 2007.
“During my years of high school, I represented Anguilla internationally at the World Affairs Seminar in Wisconsin, as well as several times regionally as Lt. Governor of the Junior Optimist Club – and several times as a debater.
“I was that crazy kid who attempted 16 CSEC subjects in a single sitting back in 2012. Upon graduation from high school I was named the Valedictorian with a total of 17 grade one CSEC subjects and one grade two. At the CAPE level, I graduated with 11 Units and was humbled with the distinction of being named your Anguillian Island Scholar.
“After four years of study in the UK, I graduated in 2018 from the University of Bristol with my Master of Engineering in Computer Science with First Class Honours. Since returning to Anguilla, I have been very busy. I have the pleasure of participating daily in our main industry, tourism, in my role as IT Manager at our very own Malliouhana Resort.
“In February of this year I was appointed First Nominated Member of our House of Assembly, making me Anguilla’s youngest parliamentarian ever. In April I also became our Deputy Speaker. Election is still a few months away so I don’t know if this will change – but for now it is safe to say that, at 24 years old, I am the youngest candidate in this race.
“I believe in honesty, integrity, fairness and proper planning – the latter so much so that by the time elections are due next year, I would have completed and received my Professional Development Certification, from the Guild University in Montreal, in Parliamentary Practice and Procedure and International Good Governance.
“My people, this is who I am and, with your blessing, and with your support, I will be one of those elected to represent you, our country and our future. A lot of persons have asked me – and I am sure several of you are wondering as well – why did I decide to run?. In fact, several persons have asked my why did I decide to return to Anguilla in the first place? The short answer is this, and I know that it is not because I am bonded to the Government. Honestly, I just felt that it would be wrong if I did not come back. I could have easily gotten a job that would have paid off my bond, but it was the Anguillian education system and the Anguillian taxpayers’ money that not only set my foundation, but put me through university. I would have considered it a dishonour to my people to stay in the UK and use my skills to develop their country while my people, back home, are left wanting.
“I don’t say this to speak ill of those who choose not to return for I understand the struggles and frustrations students face when they do. I understand that our little Rock has some flaws and needs some work but that leads me to exactly why I decided to run. I am grateful to my country for what it has done for me but now it is time for me to return the favour. I chose to run because I see no better way to say thank you to my people than to serve them and aid in my country’s national development.
“This decision is not one that I take lightly. It is one that I have considered extensively and if you, the people of Anguilla, see it fit to elect me, I promise to do right by each and every one of you. As much as I intend to help Anguilla to advance onward, I cannot do it alone and that’s why this evening I am not alone. I stand here with a team of individuals each of whom bring with them their own skills, knowledge and perspectives. As the Editorial published in The Anguillian so eloquently articulated, a House divided amongst itself cannot stand. I have always admired the Anguilla United Front team for the unity they displayed, as a team, and tonight I am proud to stand here as a member of that team.”
Mr. Vanterpool continued: “I feel that this team has the balance that is necessary to be effective in leading the way forward and making the things envisioned for Anguilla a reality. Anguilla has a lot of potential. I find it so unfortunate when persons sit and talk about all the things, luxuries and services that Anguilla lacks when compared with the developed nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom. I find it unfortunate because they fail to see that everything that Anguilla lacks is an opportunity for development; an opportunity for a new business; an opportunity to create jobs and improve our island.
“I envision an Anguilla where our people are empowered to do just that. I envision an Anguilla where, through international partnerships, we are no longer just an island but an active member in a now global society. Could you imagine what it would be like if our children were raised to think about how they can [build] their career path to be able to tap into the seven billion people on this globe as opposed to the fifteen thousand people on this island? I can, and one day I intend to make that a reality.
“I envision an Anguilla that not only protects its environment but uses it to fuel our sustainability and our independence. I envision an Anguilla where healthcare is affordable; an Anguilla with a diversified economy; an Anguilla where entrepreneurs and small businesses strive; an Anguilla where marijuana is not just an excuse to lock up our sons but an avenue and tool that we can use to tap into a now 150 billion-dollar global market for the benefit of our people. I envision an Anguilla where our young people can afford to purchase land and to build a home they can call their own. I envision an Anguilla where our young people have more opportunities in education, sports, arts or any avenue which they desire to explore. I envision an Anguilla where we tap into the full potential of our people; an Anguilla that our people are proud of; and an Anguilla that our people want to return to.
“Anguilla, we have a bright future ahead of us. Tonight, I ask for your support not only for myself but for all the members of my team so that together we can work diligently to move onwards towards that future.”