Kidz Kare Inc. enjoyed another successful year during their 4th annual Kidz Kare Summer Retreat held August 13 – 24. The theme, “Sizzlin’ Fun in the Sun”, aptly describes what the 86 children who participated in this year’s camp experienced. This unique retreat engages children ages 4 -12 and allows for the opportunity to build confidence while encouraging positive social interaction, creativity, and good sportsmanship.
Some of the activities held at Campus A of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, included arts and crafts, cooking, theatre arts, jewelry making, sewing, soap making, planting seeds, and various interactive field trips. Founder and Director, Giselle Bartlette, could not have asked for a more perfect camp.
“This year we had our largest group to date and we were honored to have the assistance and support of great individuals and businesses who lent their time and talent to make this a complete success,” said Bartlette, who founded the company in 2007.
The very popular summer camp culminated with a Summer Party for campers and parents, with elegant and colorful table displays of the kids’ creations. There was also distribution of awards and certificates, party favors, food and beverages.
In addition to the summer program, Kidz Kare also hosts an array of activities during the year such as the Easter Egg-Stravaganza around the Easter holidays, and Suntastic Saturday, held in June, in collaboration with the Anguilla Social Security Board.
The success of this year’s summer retreat would not have been possible without the assistance of the following individuals and business colleagues. A sincere thank you and vote of gratitude are extended to the participating children and their parents and guardians, and the friends of the Kidz Kare Family. Special thanks to: A.L.H.C.S. Campus A, Department of Education, Teacher Brittany and Teacher Laurie (Alwyn Allison Primary School), Samara Gumbs, Teacher Sharon Lake (UWI Campus), Teacher Carol Shannon (Caribbean Soaps & Sundries, Ltd.), Mikeela Skellekie, Latoya Smith (Kidz Kare Coordinator, Sheriva),Prisca Ogolo (Kidz Kare Junior Supervisor), Jeannine Connor-Gittens (South American Lumber), Cuisinart Golf Resort and Spa, Geraud’s, Gizelle’s Snackette, Radio Anguilla, Upbeat Radio, KCN TV, Klass FM, Kool FM, and all others who helped in any way to graciously assist Kidz Kare Inc.
– Contributed