Over the course of recent years, our western civilization has designated special months for noteworthy causes. The coming of March brings into focus Early Childhood Education Month, and local childhood educators opened the observance of this month with a church service at the Church of God of Prophecy in West End on Sunday, March 3rd.
The service was moderated by Pastor Evan Brooks who gave the visiting teachers, and junior-school officials, a cordial welcome and, on behalf of the membership, expressed his delight in having them join the Sunday morning service.
He then called the service to order with an inspirational worship session led by Lynn Reid and her worship team. Lively songs such as Hosanna in the Highest, How Great is our God, and Jehovah is His Name, served to set the stage for a heart-warning, soul-searching sermon preached by Dr. Samuel Daniel on the theme: “Favour and Increase: Blessed to be a Blessing”. The gist of the sermon, however, was a focus on “Forgiveness”.
Dr. Daniel challenged the congregation to be dedicated to the task of portraying the attributes of Christian love by practicing the instructions of Christ. He admonished Christians to follow their Master’s example, who did not just advocate the idea of forgiving a neighbour’s offense seven times a day, but rather “seventy times seven”. He made reference to Romans 12:10 which states, “Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another.”
At the end of the service, Mrs. Juliet Simon, President of the Organization of Early Childhood Education, expressed her appreciation for the sermon and she also gave a brief address on the mission and aims of Early Childhood Education with this month’s theme being: “Early years are learning years; make them count.” She then led the visiting teachers and officials in a spirited song of declaration entitled “God is Greater”.
All of the visiting childhood educators were delighted with the pleasantries of the Sunday service.