The Government of Anguilla intends to use some of its Reserves to complete the Fire Services Development Project. To quote Chief Minister, Victor Banks, speaking to The Anguillian:
“As you know the British Government provided some support for the Fire Services Development Project. The funds were not sufficient for the job …In addition to that, the project was increased for a number of reasons which came as a result of a re-engineering of the project, as well as some other requirements that were made by the Air and Safety regulators to ensure that we had sufficient coverage, and that the equipment, and all the other services at the Fire Service Center, were in place…“As you know in July/August last year, there were some issues with the Airport Development, and we are trying to make sure in the future that everything will be in place, so that we would continue to have the Airport at a certain level – at a certain grade.”
The Chief Minister went on to explain: “Because of the revenue flows over the period, and because of the additional moneys that was required, we did not have the funds in the short term to complete the project … so the decision was made in Executive Council, in the interim, if there were short falls we would take funds out the reserves to make this project a viable one, because if we stop the project, it would actually cost a lot more to remobilize the contractors and get things going.”
He said further: “At the same time, we didn’t want to run into a situation where we come into the tourist season, and have other issues from the regulators of ASSI – so it is important that we spend the money at this time; and the reserves are available for such critical circumstances – and I believe that it is an easy case to make to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office why this was necessary.”
The Minister explained: “We’ve made the case to Baroness Anelay and while we have not received a response as yet, I’m certain it is clear that it is something that needs to be done. As you would have noticed, the Airport project continues and it will continue until its completion because of this facility that has been put in place.”
He concluded: “…There was some short falls of revenue based on expectations about certain things coming in place; the revenue from the EDF Fund, a lot of that money should be triggered by the end of May. As those funds come in, those moneys taken from the Reserves will then be replaced.”