On February 24th, 2017, the Department of Youth and Culture, on behalf of the Government of Anguilla, provided a financial contribution to Hats and Heels. Hats and Heels is an organisation which aims to provide the framework for a safe and secure Anguilla Community, particularly for women and children.
The Hon. Minister of Youth Affairs, Mr. Evans McNeil Rogers, Permanent Secretary of Youth Affairs, Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake, and the Director and staff of the Department of Youth and Culture, would like to extend best wishes to the organisers on executing their first activity.
The Department remains committed to providing support to organisations on Anguilla that are engaged in initiatives to further develop and empower the nation’s youth. Hats and Heels is a registered and accredited organisation of the Department of Youth and Culture.
Members of the various youth organisations on Anguilla, which have not yet been registered with or accredited by the Department, are encouraged to contact the Senior Programme Officer – Youth Development, Ms. Joleyne Robin at Joleyne.robin@gov.ai or by telephone (264) 498 3792/497 0969. The registration and accreditation process is used to determine an organisation’s eligibility to receive funding from the Department of Youth and Culture.
– Press Release