Well-known artist Courtney Devonish, owner of the Devonish Art Gallery which has been in operation for over 45 years,18 in Barbados and 27 in Anguilla, has embarked on a new mission Online Marketing. Prior to his stroke in 2013, Devonish seldom used the computer. After his illness he began being deeply involved in developing brain exercises – to enhance cognitive function – and health education.
He is particularly interested in sharing his exercises with others – those who have experienced strokes, seniors, young people, anyone interested in a mental challenge.
It is just as important to exercise your brain as it is to exercise your body – use it or lose it.People of all ages are involved in physical activities – they go to the gym, often they take up running and walking. Keeping the brain engaged through mental exercise is just as important in helping to improve memory and brain function. It is another way to booster overall health. Those with heart disease, diabetics, and stroke conditions, including those with good health, can improve their overall health by working on their cognitive and critical thinking skills through brain exercises.
Some of the brain exercises are not IQ tests. They are more challenging exercises to encourage creative and critical thinking. They are aimed at both adults and young people.
• The current economic crisis in Anguilla calls for creative thinking in order to develop survival possibilities. There are opportunities for: school leavers who are having difficulty finding jobs; the unemployed; workers who have been laid off; retired persons looking for residual income and those wanting to work at home; disabled persons with access to work with the computer, and those interested in web literacy – a must for future success.
There are no additional costs after becoming a premium member of the hosting platform for my websites. They offer free training 24/7, a helpful community, live videos, chat rooms and discussion forums and a window to ask for help at any time. The platform caters to the beginner to the expert.
Online Marketing is not an easy solution and requires discipline, dedication and hard work. There are no get rich answers. Beware: the internet is full of scams.
Devonish reports that when he started online he knew very little about computers and internet marketing. After extensive research he was able to find a strong platform for building a website. You do not have to spend a penny before you get a chance to build a website for free and have proof of the quality of training and ethics.
The following websites are the websites built and managed by Mr. Devonish:
• bestcomputer educationonline.com is used to stimulate and encourage web literacy especially among youth, the unemployed and adults wishing to acquire computer skills from the comfort of their homes. This website plans to feature the demographics of countries to encourage global friendships and communication through national flag exchanges.
• about diabetesnstrokes.com shares brain exercises for stroke victims and information on the health benefits of natural foods (plants and herbs).
• buzz brainexercises.com – Spot the creative mind-features more challenging exercises to stimulate and encourage critical thinking and motivate the youth to play an active part in building a better world through spiritual and visionary leadership. This website also promotes Anguilla as a tourist destination.
• Get started with your free website click link – https://siterubix.com?a_aid=e8ddde95
Persons wishing to contact Mr. Devonish can call: 497-2949 or 584-5109.
– Contributed