For the first time on Anguilla there will be access to services of a Podiatrist who specialises in assessing and treating conditions related to the feet and legs, for example callus (hardened skin), painful and ingrowing toenails.
My name is Linda Fleming, a UK qualified Podiatrist, Member of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). I have an extensive background in the health and social care sector and have worked in both public and private health sectors involved in the provision of care for different specialities. I am committed to providing the best evidence based practice available for presenting conditions which tend to result in better long term outcomes.
Who is a Podiatrist?
Podiatrists, previously known as Chiropodists, are trained healthcare professionals who assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate abnormal conditions of the foot, ankle and lower limbs. The aim of podiatry is to alleviate pain and discomfort and to provide support in ongoing care of the lower limb in order to reduce risk of infections which could lead to loss of toes or limbs. They can also prevent and correct deformity, keep people mobile and active, relieve painful conditions and treat infections. A podiatrist can help you with common foot problems such as corns and callus, heel pain, plantar fascitis, dry cracked heels, athletes foot, ingrown toenails and bunions. They can also give advice and treatment for painful feet, thickened or discoloured nails and scaly or peeling soles of feet.
What are the qualifications of a Podiatrist?
UK trained Podiatrists undertake a 3-year degree course and a minimum of 1000 clinical hours within regular clinics in the community, hospitals and also home visits. They must be registered with, and are governed by, the HCPC whose role is to ensure Podiatrists adhere to health and safety standards and protocols of the profession. The HCPC enables those who meet their requirements to carry the title which enables them to practice as a Podiatrist. Membership of the Society of Podiatry and Chiropodists ensures that members are kept up to date with the latest developments, training and news regarding the profession.
What can a Podiatrist do for you?
A Podiatrist can give advice on how to care for your feet and how to look after your feet in order to alleviate foot problems. Where required, tailor made insoles can be made to order. These can support or accommodate the heel or foot arches to provide more comfort in your footwear.
In terms of preventative care, we are specially trained in the removal of hard skin and problem nails. Throughout your treatment, you will be offered advice on how to self care so that you are able to manage your own feet safely and confidently. Podiatrists can also help with more complex foot problems including preventing, diagnosing and treating injuries related to sports and/or exercise.
What happens during a consultation?
Initial consultations and treatment can last up 45 minutes and consists of taking a full medical history along with simple non-invasive tests to check blood circulation to, and within, the foot and sensory perception (testing for loss of feeling in both of your feet). Depending on the complaint, your lower limb may also be assessed to check your mobility when walking, type of movement and the quality of that movement, in order to gain insight into how best these can be managed. All aspects of the visit are explained allowing for your concerns to be raised and discussed prior to diagnosis and an agreeable treatment plan.
If you, or anyone you know, can identify with any of the above mentioned complaints, consultations will be available midweek from Tuesday 26th April to Thursday 5th May 2016 at Hughes Medical Centre, Tel: + 1 264 497 3053.