Yellow House once again reigned supreme on Thursday, March 31, as winner of the 2016 ALHCS Sports Day Activities. Its team also grabbed the top position in the much anticipated Cheerleading Competition. The other positions for cheerleading were: Maroon House 2nd; Orange House 3rd; Purple House 4th and Pink House 5th.
During the opening ceremony, Mrs. Chanelle Petty Barrett, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Social Development, offered some pertinent advice to the athletes.
She advised them to always practice good sportsmanship; that such practice brings excellence and that while they may have personal goals, teamwork is important. She was grateful to LIME Anguilla for annually sponsoring the ALHCS Sports Day.
Ms. Jade Reymond, LIME Anguilla’s Marketing Manager, spoke about the company’s delight in sponsoring the ALHCS Sports Day, and wished the competing athletes every success in their sporting activities.
The stands were filled with cheering supporters and Government officials in anticipation to the day’s proceedings.
The final points were as follows:
Yellow House: 951
Maroon House: 843
Purple House: 838
Orange House: 690
Pink House: 688
The Victor Ludorum was Aiden Hazzard of Yellow House and the Victrix Ludorum was Zephreanda Williams of Purple House.
The Winner of the road march was Orange House.