Carmencita Davis has taken over the Presidency of the Anguilla Soroptimist Club, succeeding Olive Hodge who was the President for the past year. At the Annual General Meeting on April 26 the chain of office was placed on Carmencita Davis by Patron of the Club, Rosena Brooks.
Olive Hodge told members that a Club is only as strong as its members and she urged all to pull their weight. She said that she was honoured to have served the Club during the past year and had found being a Soroptimist very rewarding. This was the third time she had served as President of the Club. She thanked all the officers and members for their support urging them to do their best for the Club.
New President Carmencita Davis thanked members for electing her to the position and reminded them that Soroptimism is a global voice for women who work to improve the status of women through advocacy and action. She said that she looked forward to support from the members in the coming year and hoped it will be a year of love and fun.
Reports were given by the Treasurer, Anita Brooks; the Secretary Josephine Gumbs; the Programme Action Convener, Denise Romney; the Day Care Treasurer, Murielle Owen; and the Councillor, Una Gumbs.
Patron Rosena Brooks congratulated the new President and the new Executive and wished them every success. “In these times when volunteerism seems to be at a low ebb, we must congratulate and encourage persons who give their time, energy and resources without expecting financial or other tangible gain,” she said. She noted that the Soroptimists’ good work was recognised in the community and mentioned the Day Care Centre, the initiatives to save the environment and the summer reading programme. She urged members to support the Executive and to continue the green bag project, the stingray project and the intervention with the youth.
The new Executive Committee includes Carmencita Davis (President), Donette Richardson (President Elect), Pamela Connor (Vice President), Anita Brooks (Treasurer), Josephine Gumbs (Secretary), Denise Romney (Programme Action), Una Gumbs (Councillor) and members Stella Horsford, Meryse West and Linda Banks.