Women, men and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 4. The World Day of Prayer is a movement of Christian women of various races, cultures and traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year. More than three million Christians usually focus on the annual event.
Rev Velina Petit Circuit Minister of the Methodist Church says. ‘Christian women of many traditions come together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday in March. World Day of Prayer was founded on the idea that prayer and action are inseparable in the service of God’s realm.’
Each year a different country’s committee serves as writers of the World Day of Prayer worship service. This year it is the women of Cuba’ who call us into worship considering the words “Receive children, receive me.” With these words as the backdrop, we are invited to learn about Cuba’s history and rich cultural diversity.
The women of Cuba will share their stories of tradition, intergenerational wisdom and experiences of God’s profound love and acceptance.
Through the worship service, we will learn of Jesus’ profound teaching of acceptance as he states, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs,” Mark 10:14-15.
Throughout the week the activities will be held in the Methodist, Anglican, Catholic, and Christian Fellowship churches. This will take the form of Bible study sessions starting Monday until Thursday. On Friday 4th March, World Day of Prayer, all the churches will gather together at the Christian Fellowship Church (Blowing Point) beginning at 7.00.pm. All Christians and members of the general public are invited to join in this special service.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)