The Ministry of Infrastructure of the Government of Anguilla is to install the first solar street light near the Inland Revenue Department, part of a cluster of Government offices in the vicinity of the Secretariat.
InAnguillaon Wednesday, March 28, to demonstrate the operation of the solar panel lighting system were Oswald Wilson, the inventer, who was accompanied by his associate, Raymond Mounter. Prior to coming to Anguilla, the company, called Wiltech Technologies, Caribbean, based in Barbados,contacted Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Evan Gumbs, about the solar lighting system and secured his agreementto set up one of the street lights on the island as a demonstration.
“This is our first solar light and we are looking forward to working with the company in the future so that we can have more lights installed,” Minister Gumbs told reporters. He said such a system of solar street lights would relieve the Government of its heavy electricity bill owed to ANGLEC where the debt now stood at $150,000.
“We have been toJamaica, Nevis and nowAnguilla,” Mr. Mounter said. “We are a new company and are just exploring theCaribbeanright now. We know technology has to change so we are making sure that the region goes with solar energy.” He estimated the cost of one of the lights at US$2,000. The lights come with several optional features, including security cameras.
The inventer, Mr. Wilson, said: “The street light is designed for theCaribbeanBasinand African countries. It is basically a solar street light that employs high wind capability technology for the hurricane season, and it is also built from aluminum material so that it can be installed in coastal areas and is a rust-free unit.”
Mr. Wilson said the design included a battery system, control circuit, LED lights and the solar panel, all in one unit. “It comes with other features that are beneficial to the Government and some of those features I can’t disclose right now,” he stated. “It is a multi-purpose system that is beneficial for the whole country.”
Arrangements are being made by the Ministry of Infrastructure for ANGLEC to erecta utility pole just opposite the Department of Inland Revenue for the installation of the solar street light.