On Saturday 6th June the events planned in observation of the Department of Probation’s 10th Anniversary under the theme; “Reflecting on the Past & Forging Ahead- Department of Probation at 10” concluded with a Staff Appreciation & Awards Ceremony at Flavour’s Restaurant-LaVue. The evening was filled with food, laughter and celebration.
In his remarks, Mr. Evans Mc. Niel Rogers, Minister of Health & Social Development encouraged staff of the Department to continue their hard work despite often limited resources. “I know that the dedicated staff at the Department of Probation will continue to display that drive and energy in involving the community in the work of the Department, and that you will continue to be innovative, maximizing the allocation of limited resources.” He concluded by saluting and congratulating staff on the commemoration of the Department’s 10th Anniversary.
In a short address to staff Ms. Jocelyn Johnson, Chief Probation Officer praised the hard work of staff and assured them that as a Department there was much to be proud of as so much had been accomplished over the past ten years. She reminded staff that, “WE have done some fantastic work over the years. WE have been ground breakers, leaders, and innovators. WE have endeavoured to develop a service relevant to our context and culture. Despite our challenges we have set a standard that speaks to the commitment and dedication to our role in nation building and the population whom we serve.” She continued by saying, “while on many occasions our work goes unrecognized and underappreciated by many in the community, please know that you are a valued member of team DOP.”
Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake, Permanent Secretary Ministry Health & Social Development, who chaired the evening’s proceedings was assisted by Ms. Johnson who presented the awards. The first set of awards were presented to previous and current Ministers who have had responsibility for the Department of Probation; Hon Mr. Eric Reid (Retired) & Hon Mr. Evans McNiel Rogers. Permanent Secretaries Mr. Merwyn F. Rogers, Mr. Orris Proctor (Retired) & Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake were also recognized. Probation Advancement Awards were presented to four individuals for their contributions towards the development and implementation of the Anguilla’s Probation Service. Ms. Shariffa Wallace was awarded the Trail Blazer Award which was sponsored by Cheddies’ Enterprises, Ms. Jocelyn Johnson the Achiever Award which was sponsored by Webster Law Firm, Ms. Christine Brooks-Morancie the Achiever Award sponsored by Tropical Distributors and Ms. Tashanta Brooks the Achiever Award sponsored by Frangipani Beach Resort.
Ms. Dorn Henry received the Innovation Award for her work with the Juvenile Residential Centre, sponsored by Anglec. Ms. Roxanne Carter, Ms. Yoshida Gumbs & Ms. Shanette Brooks all received Rising Star Awards for the positive and progressive ways in which they strive to develop their practice and job performance. Mr. Akio Lloyd was credited with the Pat on the Back Award due to his enthusiasm, good deeds and work with residents at Zenaida Haven. Ms. Toya Carty was presented with the Team Award for her ability to work effectively as part of a team to successfully accomplish tasks and to meet goals. Mrs. Christine Brooks-Morancie received the “GEM” (Going the Extra Mile) Award as she goes above and beyond the call of duty and has sacrificed time and energy for the good of her division and the Department.
Added to the event was the acknowledgment of the tenth and twentieth members of staff hired as staff of the Department. Mr. John Millington was presented with a Dinner Certificate sponsored by Sarjai’s Restaurant and Ms. Glenda Malle was presented with a Breakfast Certificate sponsored by The Valley Bistro.
Ms. Johnson took time as well to recognize the 10th Anniversary Planning Committee for their hard work and made a small presentation to each member.
The postponed Mother’s Day Raffle was also drawn. Winners will be contacted by members of the Department shortly.
At the end of the formal ceremony staff members and invited guests closed out the celebration on the dance floor.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)