(House of Assembly Meeting and Swearing in Ceremony, May 11, 2015)
We meet today on hallowed ground.
This edifice and all the surrounding buildings
Are made sacred by our Ancestors’ ‘blood, sweat and tears.’
They longed to build structures such as these,
And engage in debates about the Island’s fate,
But the conditions of servitude aborted their hope.
With gratitude we remember their sacrifice.
We remember those who served in this sacred Chamber,
But especially those who have entered their Eternal Rest;
They ‘fought a good fight,’ ‘finished their course’
And laid a solid foundation built on democratic principles,
The Supremacy of the Law, and the Will of the People.
As the People’s Representatives,
Remember: you have been chosen for ‘a time such as this.’
The most that is required of you in these changing times,
And the best that you can give, is to honour their memory
Through service with dignity and a life built on integrity.
Therefore, season your deliberations with humility.
Let not falsehood or recriminations, the lure of wealth,
Pride and vain glory, defame this sacred Institution,
Or cause the people to lose confidence in your decisions.
Speak the truth passionately, quietly and plainly,
It will stand the test of time and strengthen character.
Hold fast to that which is good; respect each other.
The result of your stewardship will be God’s favour,
The people’s respect, and peace and prosperity in Anguilla
This Land of Beauty, ‘Tranquility by the Sea.’
The Reverend Wycherley V. Gumbs, Ph.D
May 11, 2015