Joseph Hodge, an upcoming Anguillian chef, who is joined by his wife, Macey, is making a name for themselves in the culinary business. As a result, they are already enjoying increasing attention and calls for service coming their way. Their enterprise is called Big & Better Private Catering Service.
One of their latest undertakings was to host the refreshments for the joint Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and the Anguilla Financial Services Commission Conference held at Blue Ridge Conference Centre on Friday, May 8.
Manning an impressive spread of delicacies, and assisted by his wife, Hodge explained how he got into the culinary business, and eventually branched off on his own with his wife at his side.
“I got involved in food service from the time I was a little boy,” he told The Anguillian. “From a little boy I always told myself that I wanted to be a chef and I eventually followed by dreams and goals.
“When I was going to high school I used to skip a few classes, but the most classes I usually attend were hotel trades, hotel management, food and nutrition. Those were my main subjects which I never skipped. When I left school in 2008, I job-trained at Cap Juluca Hotel and I was also chosen to be one of the junior chefs of the Anguilla Culinary Team. I participated in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 competitions in Miami. I could have won a goal medal in 2011 but time ran out on me and so the judges disqualified me. In 2012 I got a silver award and in 2013 I got both bronze and silver awards.
“However, I chose not to go back because I found that, to me, it was actually too hectic and harassing. So I learnt everything else at Cap Juluca, and from reading books and … online and so forth – and that’s how I gained all the other knowledge I wanted.”
This is not the first time that he and his wife hosted the refreshments for an event held by the Anguilla Financial Services Commission. “I did a similar function for this company on October 2nd last year, upstairs the Public Library. I also provide services for private villas, other businesses and individuals.”
Hodge was pleased that he was asked to cook for a wedding on Saturday, May 9, and to host the refreshments for the Nurses Health Fair on Monday this week.
“I get jobs now and then. I don’t run away from work. Trust me,” he added.
Asked to comment, his wife replied: “I like it and feel good about it.”