CuisinArt Golf Resort and Spa’s twined Italia Restaurant and Club House was the delightful venue for the formal presentations of awards to the winners of two separate competitions, last weekend.
The first presentation, chaired by Mr. Noel Egan, President of the Anguilla Golf Association, was to the winners of the Overseas Team Anguilla Champions of the Eastern Caribbean Golf Tournament held in Antigua in October 2014. The Anguilla winners were Joseph Shillingford, Valentine Banks, Larry Stott and Chad Meldrum.
The second presentation was to the trophy winners of the 2015 tournament held in Anguilla by the Anguilla Golf Association. Among the outstanding winners were Nathalie Lesenechal, the first female golfer to be awarded the Tom Wright Championship Trophy, established in earlier years, and Theron Coizos, who won the 2015 Championship Trophy.
Mr Malcolm Hope-Ross and Mr. Peter Young received special awards “for their love of the game of golf” and for their contribution to the early beginnings of the sport, when there was no real golf course in Anguilla – but “a patch of grass” at Sandy Ground.