Supt. Elliott Forbes, of the Royal Anguilla Police Force, RAPF has returned to the island having successfully completed the Strategic Command Course that was held at Bramshill and Sunningdale Park in Berkshire, England. The course which ran for three month is intended for selected officers for promotion to the highest rank of police services.
Supt. Forbes was among colleagues from England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland and the British Virgin Islands.
During the three months Supt. Forbes was also attached to the Hertfordshire Constabulary for two weeks, between 23rd January- 1st February 2015 and 14th- 22nd February 2015. During that time he looked at the operations of various departments and attended several Executive Meetings.
Over the three month period Supt. Forbes was exposed to:
1. Professional Policing Skills which including policing and strategic command, core command skills, critical incident command as well as legal responsibilities.
2. Leadership and Ethics which included the strategic challenge of executive leadership and what it means to be an executive leader in today’s public service.
3. Business and Partnerships which included developing a commercial mind set and a commercial response to the public, developing a competitive advantage as well as makes for a successful business.
“I am now better prepared to step into the role of an executive leader within the RAPF as a result of the course and the attachments”, said Supt. Forbes. “They have provided me with greater insights in intelligence led policing, operational policing, investigation of serious cases and cold case review, media relations and finance”.
Supt. Forbes participation in the program was made possible through funding provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office through the Governor’s Office here in Anguilla.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)