The Central Christian School, a well-respected and successful preschool and primary school institution, places a good deal of emphasis on teaching love to its growing student population.
Along with teaching love, comes goodwill and harmony. That is one reason for the success of the school, run by a Board of Directors – and a teaching staff appointed by the Central Baptist Church at Rey Hill.
The daily emphasis on love took on a practical appearance several days ago on Valentine’s Eve, Friday, February 13. It was not only when the school attractively adorned its classrooms in the appropriate Valentine’s Day colours, but when the student body, and teachers, turned up in those colours as well.
Acting Principal, Ms Maria Reid, spoke to The Anguillian which was invited to the occasion. “As you know, Valentine’s Day is about love and that is something we teach everyday,” she explained. “What we are doing today is just reinforcing what we do at the school – expressing our love and our appreciation for the children and, of course, the parents as well.
“The fact is that we do not only talk about love, but we put it into action as well. The occasion involves the entire school – pre and primary. We dress up every year and the children are excited about the event, but I decided to do something different this year. Instead of just having the regular dress up, we also included a luncheon for the students. They were surprised when they came to school and saw the classes all decorated and looking pretty.”
A number of parents were at the school to witness the occasion and to participate in it.