In the run-up to the coming general elections in Anguilla in 2015, Deputy Governor, Mr Stanley Reid, has issued a set of guidelines to the Anguilla Public Service.
The document, published on the Government’s website on December 15, covers such topics as – General Elections: The Legislative Process; General Guidelines for Deportment; Guidelines to assist with the Handling of Information; Use of Government Resources; Contact with Election Candidates; and Briefs for Incoming Ministers.
Writing about the Legislative Process, the Deputy Governor stated as follows:
“2.1 The Governor, acting after consultation with the Chief Minister, may, at any time, dissolve the House of Assembly. Unless sooner dissolved, the House of Assembly will be dissolved by the Governor at the expiration of five years from the date when the Assembly first meets after any General Election.
“2.2 A General Election must be held within two months of the dissolution of the House of Assembly, on such date as the Governor may by proclamation appoint.
“2.3 Once a General Election is announced, each Ministry should refrain, where reasonably practicable, from undertaking new initiatives until after the election is held.
“2.4 The dissolution of the House of Assembly does NOT affect the day to day business of the Government. Executive Council members remain in charge of their portfolios.
“2.5 Following the dissolution of the House of Assembly it is, however, expected that Ministers will refrain from initiating any action of a continuing or long-term character.
“2.6 Decisions on matters of policy, board appointments and other issues (e.g. large and or contentious procurement contracts) on which a new Government could reasonably be expected to want the opportunity to take a different view from the present Government should be postponed until after the election, where such postponement would not be detrimental to the national interest nor wasteful of public money.”
The document acknowledges that “the Election Guideline Notes for Civil Servants in Bermuda, and the Election Guidelines for Public Officers in Montserrat, were of great value in preparing these Election Guidelines for Public Officers in Anguilla.”