LIME Anguilla has launched a new campaign called Upgrade by which customers will have substantially-improved services.
Speaking about the launch on Friday, October 24, LIME Anguilla’s Marketing Manager, Ms Jade Reymond, said in part: “Upgrade is a Caribbean-wide improvement exercise, called Upgrade Caribbean, which includes all fourteen islands under the LIME umbrella. We have changed our colour scheme to bright and vibrant green colour that we consider stands for growth and progress which aligns with the upgrades we are making to our broadband and mobile …technology and customer service. We felt that it was quite a fresh and new look that gives the ability to stand out and to be proud of the company that we stand for.”
Ms Reymond stated that the new upgrades will change the service to customers in a number of ways. “We have already introduced 4G which is our superfast speed on our data connectivity for our mobile service, and we are also going to be introducing superfast broadband fibre speed for both our residential and corporate customers. This will enable us to increase customers’ connectivity both in the business and at home. Due to the massive business investment, we are able to strengthen our infrastructure and provide our customers with maximum reliability in both areas.”
She said that entrepreneurs would also have better products, and better customer service as a result of a new service reintroduced on Wednesday last week. “The investment for our customers is truly what I consider a big deal, so to speak,” she continued. “We have already begun to reinvest heavily in all our fourteen markets, and now we are implementing a multi-generational change to our fixed infrastructure and upgrading to a new technology in all our markets. We are providing businesses and communities the best opportunity to be successful in the future.
“What the upgrade means for our market is that this new investment will enable us to improve the infrastructure that our market needs to grow its economy. In this market alone – Anguilla – we have invested 7.4 million US dollars in our 4G network that we launched in April and now in our broadband services…It also helps our business enterprise and government clients to build solutions to meet the demands of an increasingly global connected and mobile marketplace.”
Ms Reymond stated that the upgraded service would not cost customers more, but would provide them with a superior mobile experience at the best possible value.
“Our upgrade is a two-part campaign,” the LIME Marketing Manager went on. “The first campaign that we launched on Friday entirely includes our mobile acquisitions – showing our customers the importance of upgrading to smart phones, making our customers more efficient through smart phones use. We have a number of handset acquisitions promotions that give our customers the opportunity to upgrade to smart phones like the Apple Iphone Smart Phone, providing more value and at a lower price at EC$1530, as well as introducing more inexpensive smart phones that give customers the opportunity to upgrade to a smart phone at a more affordable price.” She said that, for example, the Hauwei Y330 smart phone was now more affordable at an introductory price of EC$155 for prepaid customers and free for our post-paid customers.
“The second part of our campaign is that we are upgrading our broadband infrastructure to fibre. Over the last couple of months we have seen the Ericsson team working, as well as we have been bringing in experts to assist with the implementation and installation of fibre.”
Ms Reymond added: “We have been pulling fibre in Upper South Hill, Lower South Hill, Blowing and West End and we started the implementation process in The Valley. We are starting with the heavy high density areas and then, eventually, we will phase out into the remainder of the island…We will now provide our customers with the opportunity to have never before super speeds. We have been testing speeds of up to 90 MEGS and those are the packages that we are expecting to offer our customers.”