Students with disabilities or limitations, like other children, need and deserve to feel loved and to be cared for in order to reach their full potential. The D.O.V.E Centre is an initiative undertaken by the Government of Anguilla, under the leadership of the Ministry and Department of Education, to meet the specific and varying needs of children with severe and/or multiple developmental delays.
The Centre opened its doors to primary school-aged students (5 to 12 years) from across the island, on September 3rd 2012 at the Alywn A. Richardson Primary School in West End. To date, there are six students in attendance. These students benefit from more individual care and attention, and receive specific services depending on their individual needs. Some of these services may include Speech and Language Therapy and Counselling. The daily programme is built around the development of students’ fine and gross motor skills, life skills and enriched stimulated activities.
The D.O.V.E Centre’s staff and students enjoy welcoming visitors and volunteers to assist, at any opportunity. Visits to the Centre and donations of any kind are always welcomed. To make donations please contact the Principal, Ms. Marcia Brooks, at 497 7848 or Mrs. Violet Martin at 476 6721.