UNITY HOUSE, Blowing Point, Anguilla, July 8, 2014
The Master of Unity Lodge, Anguilla, accompanied by Lodge and District Officers presented a cheque in the amount of $5,400.00 (EC) to the Zenaida Haven Juvenile Rehabilitation Center on Tuesday 08th July, 2014.
The District Grand Lodge of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean of which Unity Lodge is a member, has Lodges in St. Thomas, Tortola, Antigua, Montserrat Anguilla, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent and Grenada. Annually a donation is made in rotation to each island territory and the lodges in that territory are requested to find a suitable organization whose main objectives are to assist in the development of young men. This year it is Anguilla’s turn and Zenadia Haven was chosen as the recipient of the donation.
Acting Supervisor Ms. Dorn Henry on receiving the cheque noted that the timing was perfect as the Centre, with the help of the Agricultural Department (Gov. of AXA) had embarked on a “Grow it – Eat it Project” and these funds would go towards the construction of a green house.
The Masonic Fraternity (District of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, English Constitution) is pleased to have been able to assist this very worthy Centre on Anguilla.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)