This year’s Easter celebration, by the St Augustine’s Chorale, though carrying the same message, was somewhat different than that of previous cantatas – and was accorded the usual high degree of commendation by the large audience.
The 2014 programme was first presented on Sunday, April 20, and was followed by the second presentation on Sunday, April 27. Speaking to the media at the concluding event, Mr Lennox Vanterpool, Director of the Chorale, said in part:
“This year, we did a work called Hallelujah, Praise The Lamb which is a very worshipful sort of experience from the music that was written. We came out not so much as a performance but, as I said, of a worship experience. That is why we always encourage ourselves to have the work mean something to us first. When we get into what the songs are saying, and what the message is, we then hope that we can effectively communicate that to our congregation. Every year we try to do something a little different. I believe this one has been a little different from the past, but still on the same Easter message that Christ has risen…”
Back up music was provided by a group of talented musicians. “We call those the Augustine’s Orchestra,” Mr Vanterpool explained. “In the past we have used live accompaniment and we thought it would be nice to try to use it again. These are friends from various denominations who have always promised to assist us. They have done a tremendous job.”
The St Augustine’s Chorale, “has been performing for the past fourteen years, and so we will be having a landmark anniversary next year for our fifteenth,” Mr Vanterpool stated. He was not ready to disclose the plans for that observance and avoided commenting on the possibility of a performance outside Anguilla. “Those plans are in the making and we have some people looking at various contacts for us in the Eastern Caribbean,” was all he was prepared to say.
The various songs in this year’s Easter cantata were accompanied by several powerfully-presented narrations which added much lustre, yet solemnity, to the event. The over one dozen presentations, some with individual singers leading out, included such popular pieces as Christ is Risen, Holy, holy, holy (Hosanna) with A King is Coming; Before the Throne of God Above; When I survey the Wondrous Cross, Nothing but the Blood; O the Blood; Power of the Cross; Hallelujah Praise the Lamb; Resurrection Song; and Glorious Day.
The programme commenced with introductory selections by the St Augustine’s Youth Chorale under the direction of Mrs Margaret Augustus. The young singers, like the adult Chorale, directed by Mr Vanterpool, attracted much applause from the large and appreciative audience.