The following is a press release delivered by the Minister of Infustructure, Mr. Evan Gumbs, late last week.
Fellow Anguillians, as Minister with responsibility for electricity I am pleased to announce that the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) – a UK based development funding agency – has agreed to fund a consultancy to recommend amendments to Anguilla’s electricity legislation to allow for integration of Renewable Energy technologies into Anguilla’s electricity profile.
CDKN has contracted with CASTALIA Strategic Advisors, a company operating out of Washing DC,USA, with vast experience in Renewables, to undertake the project. The project will commence on the 6th February 2012 with the first visit of the contractors on island beginning 13th February. Project duration is anticipated to be between 7 to 10 months.
You will recall in my previous Press Release I stated the Government of Anguilla was seeking to partner with CDKN to begin work on a Renewable Energy initiative whereby CDKN, through a third party contractor, would assist the Government with reforming the legislative framework for developing and introducing Renewable Energy in Anguilla’s electricity and energy sector.
Specifically, the work of CDKN would involve making recommendations for legislative changes to allow for the integration of Renewables intoAnguilla’s energy profile.
Over the last five years,Anguilla has made significant strides to try to transform its energy sector into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly industry, in particular, developing a National Energy Policy and a draft Climate Change Policy. Technological advancements and innovations in renewable energy technology along with the high and volatile cost of fossil fuels have created a situation where our dependency on fossil fuels is no longer economically viable, and also, where we can now seek to cost-effectively implement Renewable Energy systems.
Anguilla’s legal and regulatory framework for the electricity sector will have to be amended so as to provide for the promotion and integration of renewable energy in accordance with Anguilla’s policy objectives. We hope that this project will lead to the improvement and well being of all Anguillians and residents by ensuring an adequate, safe, aesthetic, secure and cost-effective energy supply through our indigenous and renewable resources. At the same time the Government of Anguilla has a vested interest to ensure that the electric utility continues to operate as a financially viable and commercial entity.
On behalf of the Ministry, the Government of Anguilla and myself, I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to: the Energy Committee and the Anguilla Renewable Energy Office (AREO); Anglec’s Management and its team; the Government of Anguilla’s team; and all the others who have contributed, for their valuable assistance and input up to this point. Further, we look forward to everyone’s continued support and input, especially Anglec and AREO throughout the life of the project and beyond.
The project will undoubtedly have an impact on Anglec, and by extension the general public, and for this and other reasons we expect Anglec’s full and active participation in this project.
My Ministry will endeavour to keep you, the general public, fully abreast of the various activities of the project as they unfold and we look forward to your active participation in the relevant project activities.
This initiative is especially important toAnguillaas we seek to lessen our dependence on fossil fuel and thus reduce the cost of electricity, in the long run, to the maximum extent possible.
I would like to reiterate that whilst the Ministry of Infrastructure is very much committed to the introduction of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity in Anguilla, we are also cognizant of our responsibilities to the security of Anguilla energy sector including our responsibilities to Anglec, its directors and shareholders; civil society and consumers and the business sector.
I look forward to Anglec, CDKN, AREO, the Energy Committee, the Attorney General’s Chambers, other stakeholders and, the Ministry and the GoA working very closely together to bring about a very successful outcome to this long awaited and urgently needed initiative.
– Press Release from Minister with responsibility for energy, Hon Evan Gumbs
(Published Without Editing by The Anguillian Newspaper)