Social Security inAnguillais in the process of celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a programme of activities. The observance began with a religious service at the World Harvest Assembly at Little Harbour on Sunday, January 29.
The activities, covering the four quarters of the year, were launched at a press briefing on Monday during which a poster, featuring a collage of photographs of past Board members and events over the years, was unveiled. Deputy Chairman of the Social Security Board, Alkins Rogers, said it was a relatively young organisation but was playing a significant role in national development.
Before announcing the activities, he said most of the Board’s funds were deposited in the two local banks. He stated that the Board had recently provided more funding to the banks for on-lending, and had requested that they should find innovative methods to ease the burden of persons (the contributors) who owned the fund. He stressed that “as a Board we are concerned that some of our contributors are losing their possessions and the Board must be there as a real partner.”
Mr. Rogers credited the existence of Social Security to the visionary and strong leadership of Ronald Webster. He said the system had turned out to be a cornerstone of the island’s development.
“The Anguilla Social Security Board is committed to the continued growth of the fund to meet the future needs of all Anguillians,” he stated. “We will seek to have legislation amended to provide additional benefits to contributors. We will continue to use the development fund for socially-desirable projects, especially in education and health. We realise that we must provide greater assistance for the elderly, and we are at present looking into the possibility of providing national health insurance for the people ofAnguilla.”
During the month of February, the activities will include a basketball tournament; a series of interviews and questions called ‘Social Security on the Road;’ a Health Fair and a Community Fun Day. On March 2, there will a Ronald Webster boat race from Sandy Ground toIslandHarbour(one of the activities to mark his birthday).
During the months of May and June, of the second quarter of the year, the activities will include the announcement of scholarships by the Social Security Board; a CARICOM Health and Safety meeting; aLeeward Islands’ Masters Championship cricket match; Social Security on the Road; and a Health Fair and a Community Fun Day.
The third quarter will see a female football match; Social Security on the Road; a Health Fair and a Community Fun Day.
The activities for the fourth quarter will commence on October 1 with a luncheon for residents of the four Senior Citizens Homes. There will be a week of activities from November 5-10. They will include a public forum at the Rodney MacArthur Rey Auditorium; Social Security on the Road with an ATV 3 talk show; a sporting activity involving teams from Social Security and other institutions; a Health Fair and a Community Fun Day and a health walk or picnic atSandyIsland.
There will be an Open Day and gift give-away on December 24, and a Staff Awards Dinner on December 28. Other events in December will be the publishing of an Anniversary Magazine and the presentation of a Gospel Concert.
Various Social Security staff members are responsible for organising the activities, while Deputy Director, Alkins Rogers, will organise the sporting events.