A ground breaking ceremony for the new Immanuel Church and Hall was held on Saturday December 28 2013 at West End.
The dedication of the site was performed by Pastor Rev. E. Dunstan Richardson and a brief address was given by Rev. Dr. Wycherley Gumbs, Superintendent Minister. The act of groundbreaking was performed by:
Rev. Dr. Wycherley V. Gumbs, Superintendent Minister
Rev. E. Dunstan Richardson, Pastor
Mark Romney, Chairperson Resources and Development Committee
Jessica Riley, Chairperson Fundraising Committee
Tekla Bradshaw, Youth Representative
Glen Hodge, Congregational Steward
Wilmoth Hodge, Congregational Steward
The new chapel will have a seating capacity of 350 and the new facility will also feature a Fellowship Hall and administrative offices. In May this year, the Immanuel Chapel celebrated its 60th Anniversary and there were a number of fundraising activities towards the building fund. The congregation has been engaged in fundraising for over 10 years as it was evident that the existing chapel could not meet the growing needs of its members.
At the Leeward Islands District Council of the MCCA, held in the St. Maarten Circuit in January 2013, permission was given forthe commencement of Phase 1 only (Chapel) subject to the presentation to and approval by, the District Resources and Development (R&D) Committee of the complete set of construction drawings.
The estimated cost of the Chapel and Hall complex is US$1.4m broken down as follows:
• Phase 1 US$450,000
• Phase 2 US$275,000
• Phase 3 US$675,000
On March 14th 2013, The Land Development Control Committee – Department of Physical Planning – granted permission to construct the new Chapel on Block 17910B Parcel 17.
The Church retained the services of Morlens Architecture Services for the design development and planning phase. The plans and the necessary licenses are now going through the approval process and it is hoped that construction can commence during the first quarter of 2014.
– Contributed