On Sunday August 25th, 2013, Anacaona Boutique Hotel held its first Annual Staff Appreciation Dinner at the Hotel’s Firefly Restaurant. The event was hosted by the Hotel’s General Manager, Mr. Delroy Lake, who praised the staff for their hard work and excellent service to the guests, thus assisting the Hotel to receive for the second year the “Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence Award”. Also on hand for the event were Robin & Sue Ricketts who expressed their appreciation to all the staff who continue to make the Hotel what it is today. Mr. Ricketts spoke about their desire to keep Anacaona Boutique Hotel entirely managed and run by Anguillians.
Anacaona Boutique Hotel
Staff Appreciation Awards Dinner
1. Employee Loyalty Award– Staff Members who have been at La Sirena now Anacaona Boutique Hotel for more than 15 years. Stedroy Richardson (Maintenance Supervisor), Prudence Gumbs (Restaurant) and Dorothee Gumbs (Restaurant) were the recipients of this award and have all been at the Hotel since 1989 to present.
2. Self – Motivation Award – This award went to Shanhira “Tweety” Gumbs (Restaurant). Tweety always finds ways to get people interested in coming to Anacaona Boutique Hotel whether it’s for Mayoumba or Chinese night and just regular dinner. There are many stories of Tweety’s positive contacts with guests. At the manager’s cocktail party, one night, a guest told me (The Manager) a story (which I had personally witnessed). The guest ordered a drink and went to the pool. Tweety brought her the drink while she was standing in the pool and sat down at the edge of the pool (at guests level) and started talking with her about all the things she could do at Anacaona and on island. Tweety truly makes you feel at home.
3. Guest Popularity Award – Shanira “Soya” Gumbs (Restaurant) and LetiaLalgie (Front Desk). This award was chosen from among the many guest comment cards.
4. Meal Creativity Award – Given to Chef Kevin Paul who took up the challenge of successfully creating dishes for our Chinese and Latin nights
5. Most Improved Employee – This Award went to Karon Richardson (Kitchen). Karon was promoted to cook from Dish Washer to Cook two years ago. Under two different Chefs in two years, Karon has learnt the different menus and is the one who cooks the breakfast and lunch menus as well as the beach menus on occasion.
6. Department of the Year Award – Housekeeping Department is one of the hardest working departments in the Hotel business. At Anacaona this department has constantly worked hard without complaint even when hours have been cut because of low occupancy. This department always takes care of its own challenges without intervention from outside forces.
7. Above and Beyond Award – Orlando “Skipper” Adams (Landscaping Department) has gone over and beyond the call of duty on many occasions in order to assist the guests or to ensure the smooth operations of the Hotel. Skipper once assisted a guest by spelling out his proposal to his fiancé in flowers. During the Hotel’s challenges with transportation this season, Skipper never said no to using his pick-up whether it was to take stuff to the beach or to pick up wood or any other supplies from the town.
8. Award to Joseph Richardson’s Wife – Joseph Richardson has worked at Anacaona since 1989 until his passing in May 2013. Joseph worked in the Landscaping Department and was famous for giving other members of staff nicknames. Until 2011 Joseph did not have a nickname. His nickname became “Flash”.
9. Staff Appreciation Award – Robin & Sue Ricketts are pioneers in the tourism industry on Anguilla starting first with the implementation of Malliouhana Hotel and later Cap Juluca Resort. Robin & Sue took over the ownership of Anacaona in April 2010 and pledged that they wanted to create a hotel total staffed and managed by locals. They love Anguillians and believe that Anguillians can and should be, where feasible, the ones running hotels
– Contributed