Some 25 contractors and construction workmen from across the island met on Tuesday 27th February, 2024, with the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Kenneth Hodge, to discuss challenges and opportunities for growth within the construction industry.
At the productive meeting, Minister Hodge was accompanied by Permanent Secretary, Dr. Aiden Harrigan and Principal Assistant Secretary, Ms. Shameica Hodge. Minister Hodge commented on the conversation with the builders saying: “I was very pleased with the high turnout and active participation of workers present.

“The Ministry is grateful to the contractors who attended the meeting and shared their views. Our discourse provided great insight into the industry and possible avenues for rectifying challenges presently being faced.”
The Minister indicated that the prime issues highlighted at the meeting included:
1. the implementation of training programmes for young persons to ensure that they possess certain construction skill-sets;
2. the encouragement of young people to join the industry by highlighting to them that it is a sustainable and rewarding source of employment;
3. the implementation of more regulation for construction and building in Anguilla; and
4. the implementation of a private sector pension plan to provide for persons within the industry upon retirement.
Mr. Hodge has resolved that issues garnered from Tuesday’s meeting will be addressed in due time. The Ministry is looking forward to continuing with such meetings in the future, not only with the contractors, but with representatives from other industries on the island as well.