Five male members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were honoured for the role they play in the Anguillian community at a special fundraiser dinner at the Anguilla Great House on the evening of Sunday, February 25th, 2024. The buffet dinner event was dubbed “One of Us”, embracing the valiant community-minded men who are an integral part of the church body.
The five – Mr. Delroy Carty, Mr. Calvert “Junie” Fleming, Mr. Conlloyd Gumbs, Mr. Kenroy Herbert and Mr. Malcolm Webster, all members of the SDA church, were selected based upon the roles that they play in contributing to public life.
Mr. Carty is a renowned cyclist who has won outstandingly in many bicycle race contests. As a sports cyclist, he has an impressive record in both local and international competitions. In addition, he has been chosen by Anguilla’s public utility company, ANGLEC, as its Brand Ambassador, and he is a dedicated deacon of the church.
Mr. Fleming, a heavy equipment business owner and operator, has made his mark in providing affordable heavy equipment service to the community, through his longstanding enterprise, Superior Industrial Equipment. He is a well-known philanthropist who has his community at heart, and he has been instrumental as a Pathfinder officer in the church.
Mr. Gumbs is a dedicated mathematics teacher at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, where he has been successful in turning out an appreciative number of top quality math students.
He is also attached to the Health Authority of Anguilla, under the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Anguilla Rehabilitation Programme, and in this capacity he has performed the role of Project Manager for the construction and renovation of local polyclinics and the building of the recently commissioned Dialysis Unit. Mr. Gumbs is an avid musician as well, who plays with meticulous passion during worship sessions at the SDA church.
Mr. Herbert is the Chairman of the Anguilla Tourist Board, and as such, he manages the island’s global marketing and sales initiatives.
As a successful local entrepreneur, he has founded and operates the luxury service company, Leviticus Lifestyles and Travel, along with Olympus Chauffer Service, catering particularly to the island’s tourists. His aim is to provide an experience of excellence for his visiting clientele.
Mr. Herbert has been also instrumental in the work of the Pathfinder’s mission of the SDA church.
Mr. Webster is an engineer attached to the Health Authority of Anguilla as the Director of Facilities at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. He is a former Mathematics, Science and Information Technology teacher at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, serving there from 2004 to 2006.
As it relate to his church work, he has been an influential community and youth leader since 1995. As a Pathfinder Leader, and Instructor for the Ambassador Pathfinder Club, Mr. Webster has directed the Club from 2010 to 2017, earning recognition as one of the best Pathfinder Clubs in the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
During the Sunday evening’s dinner, as the five men were presented, several persons raised from their seats to render them stirring tributes and to express their accolades of admiration and praise for the work they do in the community.
Longstanding church member and officer in the church’s Music Ministry, Vernon “Rado” Rogers, presented an inspiring toast to each one of the men, individually, and Pastor Howard Simon was on hand to offer a prayer of blessing upon them all.
The “One of Us” buffet dinner was the brainchild of Sister Marcia Hodge, the Music Ministries Director of the church in Mount Fortune. The five men were selected from a list of twelve which was presented by members of the combined SDA Church Choir. Proceeds from the dinner will serve to defray the expenses of the upcoming 2024 Musical Extravaganza that will be staged at the Mount Fortune Seventh-day Adventist Church this coming July.