The Honourable Premier and Minister of Health Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster has been addressing some concerns relating to the proposed transition of the Health Authority back under Government.
Sitting with Radio host Keith “Stone” Greaves on the programme “Talk Anguilla Rebranded, Part 2”, on Wednesday 27th September, 2023, on Radio Anguilla, the Premier and Minister of Health, Dr. Ellis Lorenzo Webster was asked to explain what will be the implications for the return of the Health Authority under the jurisdiction of the Government of Anguilla.
In particular, he was asked whether the reintegration of the Health Authority into the wider public service would mean a loss of jobs for healthcare personnel, a reduction in salaries, or any other adverse impact on the staff of the current Health Authority.
“We have a Health Services Reform Board that is made of private citizens, including former nurses, doctors, the chair person of the Health Authority, the Permanent Secretary, the Health Planner, as well as the Commissioner of Social Development, among others,” the Premier responded.
“They have been meeting for over a year now to determine the best method of transition, he said. “They have formed sub-committees such as a legal sub-committee, a human resource sub-committee, and a finance sub-committee, etc. All of these look at their respective areas for accommodating the transition.”
“Without a final report from these bodies,” the Premier continued, “it would be remiss of me to say that anything is resolute. But I do have an interim report and we have also been in consultation with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) which has been conducting reviews on which would be the best method of transition.”
He mentioned that in terms of the staff of the Health Authority, there will be no layoffs. “The intent here is that no one will lose their jobs. Also, the intent is that no one’s salaries would be affected,” the Premier noted.
Mr. Greaves interrupted him by asking “That is the intent, but can you give any firm assurance?”
“Well, I do not want to preempt anything,” the Premier answered. “We have put a committee together and they will be making recommendations. As of now, I cannot say what those recommendations will be. But I can speak to the intent.”
He said that he could only say what the intent of this administration is, with regard to him as the Minister of Health, he being responsible for that Department of Health when it comes under the purview of Government.
The Premier indicated that he had been speaking to Public Admin, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Finance regarding the aspect of ‘personal to’, which implies that even if someone is above a specific grade of pay, that salary is ‘personal’ to him or her. He said that these are the highlevel, deep discussions which he has been having with regard to the personal emoluments of the Health Authority staff.