The Mount Fortune Seventh-day Adventist Church, where Dr. Howard Simon is Pastor, observed its annual Community Guest Day on Saturday 23rd September, 2023. This is a day set aside each year to host members of the community in a special service of recognition and appreciation.

This year, the church was pleased to honour, among many other guests, Her Excellency the Governor, Julia Crouch, OBE; the Honourable Premier, Dr. Ellis Webster, and other Members of Parliament; as well as Commissioner of Police, Mr. Robert Clark and members of the Royal Anguilla Police Force. Also attending, as an honoured guest, was the Chaplin of the visiting British destroyer, HMS Dauntless.
The service featured special musical renditions and songs applicable to practical living experiences that focused on God the Father, and His son Jesus Christ, as the only solution for life’s challenging ills. The church’s worship session was an exceptionally rewarding experience, and a timely sermon was preached by native Anguillian guest Minister, Pastor Kumal Smith, who serves in St. Maarten.
Special Awards were distributed to three prominent contributors of service to the community: Mr. Kharim Walters; Mr. Rudy Webster; and Mrs. Linda Rita Harrigan.
Mr. Walters was recognized and awarded for the service he provides to the community as the proprietor of the water producing company, Aquam Tech. Mr. Webster was awarded for his selfless dedication working with the youth as a basketball coach, while Mrs. Harrigan was recognized and awarded for her longstanding service in the area of health as a registered nurse and midwife.
Community Guest Day Coordinator, Sister Parlona Reese, said the special Sabbath event was quite encouraging.
“I wish to thank my support team whom I relied on in order to pull off such a successful Community Guest Day,” she reflected. “We thank God that everything went according to plan. It was quite encouraging to minister to our honoured guests and to hear them comment of how satisfied they were to be part of our special Sabbath service.”
“I would like to extend thanks to all who participated,” she said. “But in particular, I want to thank the team from Natural Vibes Events Supplies who dressed the church’s entrance and pulpit and decorated the fellowship hall in pristine beauty and elegant detail. Having our guests dine in such an awesome ambiance added tremendously to their delightful meal.”
Generally, all who attended the function was contented and expressed their satisfaction. Pastor Howard Simon and the entire Community Guest Day Committee warmly expressed their appreciation for all the guests who attended.