Coming in at third position in the series of six, the Valley Primary School held its graduation ceremony on the morning of Wednesday 21st June, 2023, at the Royal Caribbean Hotel in Little Harbour. The sixty-six graduates proudly entered the banquet hall at approximately 10:00 a.m. to Cher’s song “Believe”. This year’s graduation theme was “Nothing is Impossible; the Word Itself says I’m Possible”.
The National Song and the School’s Song were played, followed by a fervent prayer by Pastor David Christmas. Dignitaries and educational officials were recognized, and warm welcome remarks were given by Ms. Monifa Brooks-Gumbs. Teacher Dawvier Gumbs then introduced the Keynote Speaker, Ms. Rayne Webster.
Ms. Webster, who is still a student at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, observed that life’s experience has forced her to grow at an accelerated rate. She noted that this would be so for many of the graduates as well.
“Class of 2023,” she said, “nothing is impossible when you know who you are and whose you are. When you know who God purposes you to be, your possibilities are endless.”

With regard to the students realizing their possibilities, she remarked that every modern technological device today started with some persons thinking it was impossible to achieve it. But then she alluded to the positive philosophy of Nelson Mandella who once said: “It always seems impossible until it gets done.”
“You are not too young to start planting the seeds for the life you desire,” she told the graduates. “Study hard. This is an investment in yourself and your future. Class of 2023, you are a resilient people. As you embark on the gates of Campus B, may God bless you!”
“I would like to say that from one student to another, High School is a big jump from Primary School, and discipline is needed to manage 12-plus subjects apart from your extra-curricular activities,” Ms. Webster said. “Your parents are not always going to be behind you, neither will your teachers spoon-feed you. You education is now in your hands. Your must take charge…”
The presentation of Certificates and Awards followed. Special awards included the Top Five CPEA Awards, sponsored by Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster; the Gloria Kelsick Award, sponsored by Mrs. Gloria Kelsick and Family; the Most Outstanding in Mathematics Award, sponsored by Liberty Credit Union; the Most Outstanding in Social Studies and Science Awards, sponsored by the Carty’s Family; the Most Outstanding Sports Award, sponsored by NBA Sports and Social Club; and the Most Outstanding Female Award, sponsored by Rochelle Reed.
The 2023 Valedictorian was Jediah Gill. He was presented with a host of awards for his achievements in various subject areas including Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Language Arts, Music, Reading, and for placing second in the CPEA Top 5.
Filled with gratitude, Jediah, on the behalf of his peers expressed his appreciation to God, their parents and their teachers: “As we stand here today at the brink of a new chapter in our lives,” he reflected, “let us take a moment to express our gratitude firstly to God, for it was through His grace and guidance that we have reached this milestone. God has been really good to us and has helped us to reach this far. We truly cherished all that He has done in our lives, and I trust that He will continue to guide us down the right paths.…”

“We also value the unwavering support and love shown to us by our parents,” he said. “They reminded us about our school assignments and helped us with our homework…They provided us with a roof over our heads, fed us, clothed us and supplied us with the tools that we needed to excel. To all our parents, we say thanks for your kindness, support and encouragement.”
“Further,” he said, “I would like to say thanks to the Principal and teachers of the Valley Primary School. They were the ones who helped to shape us and bring us here today. Without them, I would not know the feel of being where I am at today, so we thank you for your patience and for believing in us…”
The Salutatorian was Jaiden Reese, who delivered the Vote of Thanks following the singing of the Graduation Theme Song, “Just Believe”.
The Grade Six teachers then presented the Class of 2023, followed by their recessional.