The Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) held its annual Open Day on Thursday 1st June, 2023. The Open Day usually takes place on the last Thursday of May to coincide with the Anguilla Day Weekend, but this year it became necessary to postpone it for one week.
Firstly, because the students were invited to participate in the Turtle-tagging activity with the Department of Natural Resources on the same date. Since they usually participate and look forward to turtle-tagging each year, the PRU Team didn’t want them to miss the opportunity.
Secondly, students needed a bit more time to finalize their projects.
Open Day is held not just for parents and other visitors to come to the Unit to view student projects and academic portfolios. It is carried out more to remove the stigma associated with being a PRU student and to demonstrate to members of the public that every child deserves an opportunity to learn and show that they can succeed even with behavioural challenges.
The main attraction for the past three years has been the garden contest among students. This year only two students participated, but they each had a very interesting concept. The students had been asked to present a concept based on their career choice.
Kymarly Adams chose to build a pickup-truck garden in a garage. He worked very hard and, because of his versatility with workshop tools, he was able to make all of the cuts on his own. The PRU Team also appreciated the fact that his dad came by one day to assist him with the assembly.
In fact, the PRU Team ask and encourage parents to visit the Unit during this time to provide support for their children.
The second project, a fishing boat, was created by Shaquan Richardson as his interest is in fishing.
As it relates to the woodwork projects, at the end of the school year 2021-2022, the Team at PRU agreed on the list of items that would likely attract buyers and push the students to a higher level of craftsmanship. Hence, a portfolio of designs was presented to the students from which they selected the projects they thought they could handle and that would showcase their skill.
The prizes agreed upon were:
Best garden – $150.00 US (as negotiated by one of the students at the beginning of the school year).
Best wood project: 20% of the sale price if the product was sold.
Second and third place would receive 15% and 10% respectively of the sale price of their own item.
Kymarly Adams was adjudged the overall winner. He will receive a combined total of US$170.00 – US$150.00 for his garden and 20% of the price of his wood project that was sold.
Shaquan Richardson tied for first place with his corner shelf and will receive US$69.00 or 20% of the sale price.
Kayden Browne also made waves with a curved standing shelf for which he will receive 10% of its sale price.
Prize money will be paid from the proceeds of the Open Day.
The PRU Team thanked the judges – Isabel Rosario of the Department of Marine Resources and Mr. Franklyn Brandon, a woodwork teacher at the Albina Lake Hodge Comprehensive School.
The Team also thanked Education Officers, members of the Legislative Assembly, family members and members of the public for their support and commendations.