An air of enthusiasm filled the sanctuary of the Mount Fortune Seventh-day Adventist Church, on the morning of June 20th 2023, as the Class of 2023 followed the flag bearers down the aisle to proceed with the Pink Panthers’ graduaion ceremony. It was remarkably the first of the six public primary schools’ graduations for this year.
The ceremony was chaired by Tr. Shanelle Hodge-Charles. Prayer was offered by Mr. Denfield Baptiste, a parent of one of the graduates, followed by the singing of the National Song by the Class, and Principal Marcia Brooks delivered the welcome remarks.
First, she extended a warm and special welcome to Tr. Orealia Kelly, matriarch of the school, who, she said was viewing via Facebook.

“I take this opportunity to extend to all of you a very warm welcome to our 2023 Graduation ceremony,” she said. “Graduation is both an end and a beginning. It acknowledges where you have come from, and it anticipates where you are going. Graduation invokes a kaleidoscope of emotions….This year, we celebrate under the theme, We are Pilots of our own Destiny #Winners 2023.”

Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster
She noted that each year, the graduation song is written and directed by a former teacher of the school, Tr. Patsy Adams, and this year was no different as she penned a wonderful song in respect of the theme, depicting the heights that can be attained when the students choose to achieve in their best interest as they pilot themselves on their journey towards their own destiny.
“This song also speaks to the parents and guardians of the graduating students,” Tr. Marcia noted. “It reminds you to continue to help your children in solving their problems and to be their daily guide…”
Turning to the students, she said “During your time at the Orealia Kelly Primary School, we, your teachers, tried to instill within you good values and beliefs that would help you to be strong in any situation, inspire you to work hard and strengthen your determination to overcome tough conditions…”
Ms. Brooks also quoted from a famous children’s Author Dr. Seuss who once wrote: “You have brains in your head; you have feet in your shoes; and you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”
The Keynote Speaker was the Honourable Representative of the Valley North Constituency, Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster. She encouraged the graduates not only to read the words of their theme, but to believe in them and to live by them.
“Know that you have everything within you to do well,” she said. “Know that you may not have had control over the circumstances you were born into, but you do have control over the destiny that you designed for yourself…”
In addition, she highlighted seven virtues that they should hold on to as they “navigate through the changing winds” toward their destiny: 1. “You have a right to choose; 2. Have a strong work ethic and the willingness to go the extra mile; 3. Have a teachable spirit; and 4. Surround yourself with positive energy.”