As the Anguilla House of Assembly was preparing for its sitting on Tuesday 13th June, 2023, the Honorable Speaker, Mrs. Barbara Webster-Bourne sought to clear the air with regard to a series of questions that Single Island-wide member, Mr. Kyle Hodge, had prepared to pose to the Honourable Premier, Dr. Ellis L. Webster.
The four questions related to the Premier’s hesitation to take measures against the Honourable Minister of Innovation, Sustainability and Innovation Mrs. Quincia Gumbs-Marie for the behaviour she displayed during an altercation with a civilian at a popular restaurant on May 23rd.
Mr. Kyle Hodge had prepared his questions and submitted them to the Speaker a few days prior to the House sitting, in line with standard protocol. The four questions that Mr. Hodge intended to ask the Premier are as follows:
1.(a) Do you consider that the Minister of Sustainability, Innovation and the Environment exhibited poor behaviour on the afternoon of Tuesday, 26th May 2023 at a local restaurant? (b) If yes, do you consider that such behaviour contravenes the Code of Ministerial Conduct and the Code of Conduct and Register of Interest for Members of the House of Assembly?
2.Do you intend to address the conduct or behaviour of your Minister, thereby protecting the integrity of this Honourable House and Parliamentary Procedure?
3.Why as at the date of the sitting of this House of Assembly you have not seen it fit to address the Minister’s poor behaviour?
4.Why are you focusing on the criminal investigation when there is a video that is evidence of the Minister, Honourable Quincia Gumbs-Marie, making threatening statements, using profanity, death threats, and physical violence against a private citizen?
The Speaker had explained that Mr. Hodge’s questions were out of order. She began by saying: “I hate to start my day like this on things where it seems like I am not progressive to the people of Anguilla, but for the record, I wish to clarify the grounds upon which the questions by the Single Island-wide Electoral District Member, Mr. Kyle Hodge, were ruled out of order and not allowed…”
“The questions asked are out of order. As per Rule 58 and Rule 23-7 of the House of Assembly Procedure Rules state: ‘Reflections upon the crown or upon certain persons in authority, including questions of the conduct of Her Majesty Members of the Royal Family, the Governor, Speaker, or Members of the Assembly and judges and other persons engaged in the administration of Justice shall not be raised except upon a substantive motion…In any amendment, a question to a member or remarks in a debate on a motion dealing with any other subject or any reference to the conduct of those persons would be out of order,” the Speaker pointed out.
“Therefore, during the course of today’s proceedings, I will not be entertaining any discussions on reflections on this matter, and I reiterate Rule 58,” Mrs. Webster-Bourne said.
The Single Island-wide Member, Kyle Hodge, then rose to seek the Speaker’s approval with regard to a comment he was making on one of his questions, but the Speaker refused to provide him with a chance, saying that if he wishes to bring a substantive motion, he may do so, but that she would entertain no more discussion on the matter for the day.
While still trying to make his comment, the Speaker asked Mr. Hodge to sit.
“Member, I have already made a ruling on this matter. This is not for discussion or debate,” she stressed. She told him he was not allowed to make any further address.
Mr. Hodge sat and gathered his papers and with the rest of the Opposition Bench, including the Honorable Leader of the Opposition Mrs. Cora Richardson-Hodge, Mr. Cardigan Connor, Mr. Jose Vanterpool, and Mrs. Shellya Rogers-Webster, left the House.