On the afternoon of Wednesday 21st June, 2023, forty-five students from the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School graduated during the annual graduation ceremony at the Christian Fellowship Church. This year’s theme was “Dream Big; Dare to Succeed”, and the ceremony was the fourth in line for the six public primary school graduations this year.

The chairperson for the ceremony was entrepreneur, Ms. Mirabelle West. Following the National Song, School Song and a prayer by Mrs. Dianne Peters, Welcome Remarks were given by Ms. Raemisha Petty. This was followed by a special selection in song by Omari Banks, accompanied by his daughter Somaiya – the 2023 Valedictorian.
The Keynote Speaker was Mr. Pierre-Jai Lake, a young former student of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, and the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School’s Salutatorian of 2016.
Speaking directly to the graduates, Mr. Lake said: “In these last few years you have developed your identity. You have learnt your likes and your dislikes; you have received the foundation for your education and possibly for your career paths. At this school you have grown, not only in knowledge, but also in character.”
“The nurturing environment of this school would have taught you the fundamental skills that would guide you through the rest of your academic journey and beyond,” he told them. “Although learning how to add, multiply and write essays was integral on this journey, you also learnt some other things on the way. You learnt to make friends who could possibly be your business partners in the next few years, and you learned how to depend upon others to impart to you wisdom…”
“As you embark on this next chapter of your education journey,” Mr. Lake said, “High School awaits you with open arms. You will see new faces, do new subjects, and overall, you will have new experiences. On this next step you will be dreaming big, but dreaming big separately. High School makes a transition where each of you will embark on a different pathway…Be ready to embrace this new beginning…”
The presentation of Certificates and Awards included numerous recognitions for the achievements of the deserving students. Special awards included: the Valedictorian Award, sponsored by Straw Hat; the Teacher Bertha Franklin Award, sponsored by Carlyle Franklin; the Teacher Rhonda Connor Leadership Award, sponsored by Miguel Leveret & Marva Smith; the Perin Bradley Leadership Award; the Teacher Maycelle Roberts Award, the E. Silwood Connor Award, sponsored by the Family of Sil Connor; the Mr. & Mr. Hubert Hughes Most Outstanding CPEA Award; the Curtis Richardson Perseverance Awards; the ICT Award, sponsored by Paramount Pharmacy; the Teacher Cynthia Hazell Dore Award; the Teacher Hyacinth Creative Writing Award; the Rosanna Browne Most Outstanding Female Athlete Award; the Most Outstanding Male Athlete Award; the Hasani Hennis Cycling Award; and the Principal’s Award.
The school’s 2023 Valedictorian was Ms. Somaiya Banks.
“Our seven years at the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School have prepared us to ‘dream big and dare to succeed’,” she reflected. “When we dare to succeed, we find the courage to try new things. And, when needs be, we are free to revise our plans. We should not be afraid to fail, as our mistakes can teach us many valuable life lessons. We must understand that true failure is not to try at all…”
“We have made countless memories at this, our beloved primary school, and we will forever cherish them,” she said. She gave some examples of the many memories that came to mind, and then admonished her peers: “Class of 2023, I hope that in the future we all would stay focused and make good decisions for our lives. I hope that we would get into good colleges and train for the skills that will help us to live our dreams.”

The Salutatorian was Jahmai Gumbs. He delivered the Vote of Thanks. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of the Class of 2023 by Ms. Shakeela Ritchie and the recessional.