The St.Mary’s Pro- Cathedral was abuzz with excitement at the recently hosted Valley Primary School’s Annual Golden Awards Ceremony. The event which was held on Friday, 2nd June 2023, was aimed to recognize and celebrate the exceptional accomplishments of the students who excelled in various fields throughout Terms one and two in the academic year 2022-2023.
The ceremony began with prayer by the school’s chaplain, Mr. David Christmas who was followed by the school’s Student Council President, Camia Gumbs, who warmly welcomed the audience. In her remarks, she acknowledged and applauded the efforts of the awardees. ” Every student present here this morning has displayed and passion for learning, an insatiable curiosity, and an unyielding spirit that has set them apart. It is their remarkable efforts and achievements that continues to shape our school’s motto-’Aim for Excellence,” she stated, inspiring a round of applause from the enthusiastic audience.
The awards were divided into different categories which made it an inclusive platform where the diverse qualities and abilities of the students were acknowledged in areas such as excellence in academics, discipline, and citizenship. Among the notable awards presented at the Golden Awards Ceremony were:
Golden Academics: Principal’s List, Deputy Principal’s List and Teacher’s List, Overall Top Five in Core Subject Areas and Top in Core Subjects, Outstanding Attitude Towards Learning (Kindergarten), Outstanding Reader and Most Improved.
Golden Citizen (Discipline, resourceful, Helpful and Good Leadership Skills)
Golden Behaviour
All the awardees received the coveted certificates. In the category of academics, students who made it on the esteemed Principal’s List and on the Deputy Principal’s List were awarded with the prestigious ‘Honour Roll’ medallions.
One of the highlights of the ceremony was the awards given to the teachers of Grades One, Two, and Four for the most student engagement in structured reading as well as for making the most use of the school’s library/reading resources.
In recognizing the importance of community service, the school honored Mr. Dwayne Richardson for his dedication and commitment to the School. Mr. Richardson’s selfless effort in volunteering his time to helping in which ever capacity needed at the school is exemplary.
Mrs. Javiette Richardson was also honored for her continuous selfless service to the school. Javiette’s devouted commitment and selflessness in offering her time, resources, and skills to enhance the aesthetics of school related venues is astounding. Their commitment to the Valley Primary School is a testament of true community and school spirit.
The ceremony concluded with an awardee, Darielle Carty, who captured the days’ theme in a poem entitled, ‘Excellence.’ Romare Forbes brought the curtains down on the remarkable Golden Awards Ceremony, with an eloquently rendered Vote of Thanks. He encouraged his peers, “Golden Horses, today is a testament to our hard work, resilience, and determination. Each one of us possesses unique talents and abilities that have brought glory to our school and family. Our achievements, both academic and non-academic, are a reflection of our aim of excellence. Congratulations on our well-deserved recognition today, and may this be just the beginning of many more accomplishments in our lives,” he stated.
The Principal and staff of the Valley Primary School wish to thank all those who worked to ensure the smooth execution of this awards ceremony. Gratitude is expressed to our parents/guardians and community for their continued support. We encourage you to continue to collaborate with your school for the betterment of our children, and island by extension.