Anguillian Chrispen Gumbs has been ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba (DNECA).
The service which took place on Wednesday 31st May, 2023, on the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St. George Anglican Church in the parish of St. George, Nevis, was presided over by the Right Reverend Ernest Flemming Bishop of the Diocese of the North Eastern Caribbean and Aruba.
In addition to other senior clergy from across the Diocese, Deputy Governor General of St. Kitts Nevis Her Honour Mrs. IHyleta Liburd and Mr. Liburd, Premier the Honorable Dr. Mark Brantley, Deputy Premier Hon. Eric Evelyn, other members of the Nevis Island Administration, members of the congregations of St George and St John Anglican Churches as well as other members of the Anglican communion in St Kitts and Nevis, the Christian Council and Evangelical Association were present.
Members of his family and a contingent from the Anglican Church in Anguilla and other well-wishers also attended the service.
The two and a half hours service mixed with hymns and liturgy saw Chrispen, who was ordained a Deacon in Anguilla on 21st August, 2022, being examined by the Bishop, laid prostrate while a litany was chanted, being vested and the hands of all ordained clergy laid on him and finally the Bishop presenting him to the congregation as Reverend Father Chrispen Gumbs.
The lessons during the service were read by his sisters Andrea and Yolander Gumbs while the inspiring message based on the Magnificate was delivered by Canon Reid Simon parish priest of St. Mary with St. Augustine’s and St. Andrew in Anguilla.
In his message Canon Simon encouraged the newly minted Father to use the Magnificate as guide for his ministry going forward where his soul continuously magnifies the Lord.
“You should become Christ to others…….use the Magnificat to usher in God’s kingdom…and to persevere always even though there is opposition to the message of God’s kingdom in Christ,” Canon Simon implored. “Use it to ensure that those who are on the fringes of society, the outcast and the down trodden are brought into the family of God.”
There was also a rendition by the combined choirs of the parishes of St George and St. John where the Reverend Father Chrispen Gumbs is the Priest in Residence.
Following the service, attendees were treated to warm pumpkin soup and an array of snacks.
Reverend Father Chrispen Gumbs is the son of the deceased Mr. Alfred “Albert” Gumbs and Mrs. Wilhelmina Gumbs of East End, Anguilla and the husband of Mrs. Dianne Gumbs. They have two sons, Damarai and Deandre Gumbs.
Reverend Father Gumbs described the service as a truly humbling experience for him and expressed his gratitude to all who came from near and far to affirm him and celebrate the occasion with him.
What he found even more humbling was the opportunity to pronounce blessings on some of those present beginning with the Bishop of the Diocese.