and Government Dignitaries
Last week’s visit of the UK Minister of State for Overseas Territories, Rt. Hon. Lord Zac Goldsmith, marked the induction of Anguilla as an official member of the Blue Belt Programme. On Saturday morning, February 4th, a ceremony to include Anguilla as a Blue Belt member was held at Davida’s Restaurant in Crocus Bay.
The Blue Belt Programme aims to assist the UK Overseas Territories in protecting and enhancing ocean health to halt biodiversity loss, enable sustainable growth, ensure climate change resilience, and to connect people with the natural environment.
This highly ambitious Programme is leading the way in supporting the Territories in the effective management of their marine environments, and in ensuring they are safeguarded for future generations.
Speaking at the ceremony, Lord Goldsmith said: “When I met with Minister Quincia Gumbs-Marie at the Glasgow Summit in 2021, the idea of Anguilla joining the Blue Belt was just a tiny seed in the context of Anguilla. And yet, today here we are welcoming Anguilla into this extraordinary programme.”
He commented that of all the conservation programmes that he knows of, there is none that is as inspiring as the Blue Belt initiative. “It is an incredible thing,” he said, “to see these tiny ‘marks on a map’ — these tiny islands — playing their parts in protecting such a hugely disproportionate chunk of the planet.”
He noted that the members of the Blue Belt are giving an incredible gift to future generations. “I struggle to find the words that would really describe the gesture taken by Anguilla today. The whole world should be showing this tiny island a high level of gratitude. It is an amazing thing.”

Then, in explaining his viewpoint on Anguilla’s efforts for maritime conservation through its novel Blue Belt membership, Lord Goldsmith noted: “We know that we are degrading the planet, both land and sea. We know that we are taking fish and life out of the ocean just as fast as we put rubbish into it. By these actions we are causing immense damage. But through initiatives suçh as this we are going to be able to turn the tide.
“Done properly, marine protection is good, principally, for the fisher folk who depend directly upon the ocean for their livelihoods. So Anguilla’s membership will bring a boost to the livelihoods of all those people who directly depend on the ocean. And having seen the diligence and hard work that has gone into getting to this point, there is no doubt that the plan that Anguilla would have eventually put into practice is a plan that will hold the fishing community as its priority.”
Lord Goldsmith voiced his admiration for Anguilla as one of the best islands that he has visited, saying it is a special island to him, as his father visited here frequently. He also expressed appreciation for the warmth of Anguilla’s people.
The Hourable Minister of the Environment, Mrs. Quincia Gumbs-Marie, spoke of the benefits of Anguilla being a member of the Blue Belt Programme. In part, she said:

UK Minister Rt. Hon. Lord Goldsmith
“The decision to join the Blue Belt progamme was not taken lightly. I, like many of you, had specific concerns, particularly as it relates to the impact on our fisheries. I had to satisfy myself and my Premier as to whether joining the Blue Belt Programme would harm fisheries. I was convinced that the answer was ‘No’… In my research, I realised that joining the Blue Belt would enhance the opportunities for our fishing communities. The country-led approach to the Blue Belt Programme where each stakeholder plays a significant role in shaping the programme helped to allay my fears.”
“Today I stand convinced,” she said, “that by joining the Blue Belt, we in Anguilla are demonstrating our commitment to improve the governance of our marine and costal ecosystems to achieve equal economic opportunities for all and restore and conserve our biodiversity.”
She mentioned that as a member of the Blue Belt, Anguilla can now sustainably manage its surrounding oceans. She noted that such management efforts would include surveillance for illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. “This was a request made directly from our fisher-folk,” she insisted.
In addition, Minister Gumbs-Marie highlighted the fact that The Blue Belt will provide training for stakeholders, scientific research, research in conservation, a fish stock assessment, and support for the establishment of sustainable fisheries.