Everybody has a story. Do you believe it? Is it true? Are you ready to share yours? Or are you too embarrassed to share it?
Here is a story that someone felt embarrassed to share. It is about a country preacher by the name of Mr. Jones who used to visit a widow in his church. Mr. Jones liked to visit her around lunchtime because she had a vegetable garden and she loved to cook fresh vegetables for her pastor. One day the pastor arrived at lunchtime, and knocked on Mrs. Jones’ door, but she did not answer. So, he walked through her garden calling, “Mrs. Jones! Mrs. Jones!” He was perplexed because the back door was open and he could see and smell the food cooking on the stove, but he did not see Mrs. Jones. Knowing her sense of humour, he left his card on her door with this note: “Dear Mrs. Jones, Read Revelation 3:20.” That verse says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock and if anyone will hear my voice I will come in and eat with them.”
What the pastor did not realise was that about the time he showed up, Mrs. Jones was getting out of the bathtub, and she was too embarrassed to answer the door, so she hid behind the door until he left. After reading the pastor’s card, she wrote him a note and left it on his desk the next Sunday. It read, “Dear Pastor, I got your card. Read Genesis 3:10.” It states, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself.”
Did that story make you chuckle or even smile? What do you think about that story? What would you have done? If you were Mrs. Jones, would you have answered the Pastor when he called? Well, there is a similar story to Mrs. Jones’ story that is found in the bible. Do you know that story? Who was the story about? That was Adam and Eve’s story. It is a great story; they were the most popular couple in the world. Their story has many valuable lessons for us:
1. God doesn’t force us to follow Him. God tells us what is good and bad for us. He has given us free will – meaning, we are free to make our own choices.
2. We must be familiar with Satan’s tactics. One of the best ways to defeat Satan is to understand how he works. If we know his evil devices, then we are better equipped to know how to overcome them.
3. Sin separates us from God. Adam and Eve were placed in a perfectly good environment. They enjoyed a close relationship with God, however, the moment they disobeyed, their disobedience caused a rift between God and man.
4. We must put our trust in God only. Some people would rather put their trust in people, things, and beliefs, than to trust in God, but God knows what is best for us.
5. Covetousness is dangerous. It starts with the mind, so we must be mindful of it.
6. We cannot hide from God. He knows everything about us. No matter where we are or whatever we think or do, God knows.
7. We must take responsibility for our actions and cease blaming others. Our actions always have consequences.
8. We must listen and be obedient to God, His commands are for our benefit and our protection.
Do you see the reasons why it is important for us to share our personal stories with others? Do you understand the valuable lessons our life stories can offer? We will never know whose life will be touched or changed by hearing them. By sharing our experiences, we will not only create an impact on other people’s lives – they could help us feel empowered as well. When we find our voice, we can be ambassadors of our life circumstances instead of victims. We can show the world life is worth fighting for even though it is hard. It will also show others that they are not alone in their struggles.
Not all of our stories have to be sad or depressing. Share the ones that make people laugh or smile or inspire them to take action in their lives. We also need to share all the good that life offers, and the awesome work God has done and continues to do in our lives. We live in a society where most of us are struggling with so many things but very few are willing to come forth and speak, so our stories can be that catalyst to encourage them to share theirs.
We all have a story within us – about love, courage, endurance, heartache, pain, trust, loss, and everything in-between that others are waiting to hear. Tell them, even when it is challenging.
Even when it feels like the most difficult thing to do, telling your story – with all its mistakes, failures, setbacks as well as its victories, joys, and successes – says something about what it means to be human. By telling our stories, we release ourselves from those things that bind us and give rise to an opportunity for us to connect with others.
Remember: Your Story Is Your Own. What’s done is done. What’s gone is gone. One bad chapter does not mean your story is over. It is okay to look back to see how far you have come but keep moving on. Your stories have the power to break down barriers and set people free.
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only and has now published Positive Living Volume 3. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. www.facebook.com/axawellnesscentre